

This Monday marks five years since a 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti, which at least 230,000 people lost their lives.

It was January 12, 2010, just before 5 p.m., when the earthquake happened, tens of thousands of people died.

Anchor Katie Couric,a reporter, met 13-year-old Pierre Larousse. The skin on his forehead had been scraped away, and his leg was broken. Like so many children, Pierre had become an orphan in a moment that day.

Three months later, things looked hopeful for Pierre and for Haiti. He was eager to return to school and had plans to move in with his grandmother, the only family he had left. He was looking forward to rebuilding his life.

More than 9 billion dollars in aid were provided to help Haiti following the earthquake. Modern hospitals were being built, and plans for new housing were in the works.

Now, five years after the quake, Pierre, who had so much hope for a brighter future, refers to himself as a “street kid.”  After his grandmother died, he was forced to beg for food to live. He was doing just that when he met Julienne, a young mother of two children, who gave him a roof over his head and something to eat.

In a small village 40 minutes outside of Port-au-Prince, Julienne’s home is four walls and a concrete floor. Pierre’s bed: a sheet on the floor that the boy shares with her two children.

Today, Pierre finds it hard to imagine a future for himself.  His dreams of going back to school seem all but lost. This young boy, like millions of other Haitians, is still searching for “home.”


1.When did the earthquake happen in Haiti?

A In 2009.

B In 2010.

C In 2011.

D In 2014.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“It was January 12, 2010, just before 5 p.m”可知。

2.What was the matter with Pierre Larousse?

A His leg was broken.

B His hand was hurt.

C His feet were broken.

D His neck was hurt.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句“ his leg was broken.”可知,故选A。

3.From the fourth paragraph, we can know_____________.

A Pierre Larousse wanted to return to school.

B Pierre Larousse planned to live with her mother.

C Pierre Larousse was looking forward to making money.

D Pierre Larousse’s grandmother died in that earthquake.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二句“He was eager to return to school” 可知,他渴望去学校上学,故选A。

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A Modern hospitals were being built in Haiti.

B More than 230,000 people lost their lives.

C Julienne was a mother with 2 children.

D His grandmother died in that earthquake.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第四段第二句“had plans to move in with his grandmother, the only family he had left.”可知,他奶奶是他唯一活着的亲人,故D错。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A The situation in Haiti.

B A poor boy called Pierre Larousse.

C A poor country—Haiti.

D 5 years later after an earthquake in Haiti.

解析:选D。主旨大意题。 整篇文章都在讲海地地震后人们的生活,从一个小男孩的故事可知。并没有多少改变。所以可以排除B,C,A是在讲海地现在的状况,与地震没有多大的关联,故选D。