
Rotterdam’s Koningshaven Bridge in the Netherlands, which local people call “De Hef”, is no longer in use. It’s an old bridge that was damaged by bombing during World War II. But it’s important to many people in Rotterdam. When the city planned to take the bridge down in the 1990s, many people complained. Instead, the city fixed the bridge up and left it in place as a monument.

Jeff Bezos, who created the internet shopping company Amazon, is one of the richest people in the world. He bought a yacht(游艇) from Oceanco. The yacht will be 417 feet (127 meters) long and 40 meters tall. It’s expected to cost more than 500 million dollars. It will be the world’s largest yacht. The yacht must go under the bridge. That’s a problem for the boat building company Oceanco. The bridge is not tall enough! So the boat company has asked the city to take the central part of the bridge down to allow the sailing boat to pass through.

The city government plans to rebuild the bridge afterward. Oceanco will have to pay for all the work done to the bridge. The work is expected to take a few weeks sometime this summer. Many people are upset about a historic monument being taken apart for a rich person’s yacht.

A person speaking for the mayor defended the city’s position, saying that the Koningshaven river is the only path the sailboat can take to the sea. The mayor’s office also pointed out that both the boat work and the work on the bridge are providing a lot of jobs for local people.


1.What can we know about Koningshaven Bridge?

A It is the symbol of Rotterdam.

B It witnessed the World War II.

C It is still in use in the local areas.

D It is the best in the history of bridge.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段“It’s an old bridge that was damaged by bombing during World War II.”可知,这是一座老桥,在第二次世界大战期间被炸弹炸毁。即它见证了二战。故选B。

2.What does the underlined part “a problem” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A The cost of the yacht is more than Bezos expected.

B The yacht is unable to pass through Koningshaven Bridge.

C Many people complained about the construction of the big sailboat.

D The company Oceanco can’t finish building the huge sailboat on time.


3.Which of the following ways can be accepted by the residents there?

A To receive the fair compensation.

B To rebuild the bridge afterward.

C To provide more jobs for them.

D To keep the bridge as it is.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。结合第一段“When the city planned to take the bridge down in the 1990s, many people complained.”以及第三段“Many people are upset about a historic monument being taken apart for a rich person’s yacht.”可知,上世纪90年代,当这座城市计划拆除这座桥时,就遭到过投诉,而现在该桥又要面临被拆除,当地人肯定是不答应的。由此推断让桥保持原样,不改变现状才能被当地人所接受。故选D。

4.What does the city government think of Oceanco’s idea?

A It is valueless.

B It is doubtable.

C It is worth taking.

D It is open to discussion.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The city government plans to rebuild the bridge afterward.”和最后一段可知,市政当局计划之后重建这座桥,代言人称此处是船通往大海的唯一路径,船只建造工程和桥梁修复工程都为当地人提供了大量就业机会。由此推断鹿特丹市是赞同拆解大桥的做法的。故选C。