亚马逊创始人的新游艇太大 鹿特丹要拆百年古桥让路?
亚马逊创始人的新游艇太大 鹿特丹要拆百年古桥让路?

Jeff Bezos is an American. He is the second richest man in the world. Workers in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, are building a yacht(游艇) for him.

The ship is the biggest yacht in the world. It is 127 meters long. It is 40 meters tall. It costs around 500 million dollars. But it cannot leave Rotterdam.

The ship must go under a bridge. But the bridge is not tall enough. Workers will take apart the old bridge to let the yacht pass. And Jeff Bezos will pay for the work. These let local people angry. Because the bridge is very special. It is almost 100 years old. And it was restored in 2017.


1.Jeff Bezos buys a yacht from _________.

A France

B the UK

C the USA

D the Netherlands

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段“Workers in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, are building a yacht(游艇) for him.”可知,荷兰鹿特丹的工人正在为杰夫·贝佐斯建造一艘游艇。故选D。

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A The size of the ship.

B The prize of the ship.

C The length of the ship.

D The time of building the ship.


3.Why can the yacht not leave Rotterdam?

A Because the bridge is short.

B Because workers don’t work.

C Because there is not enough water.

D Because Jeff Bezos changes his idea.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段“The ship must go under a bridge. But the bridge is not tall enough.”可知,船必须从桥下通过。但这座桥不够高。即这座桥比较矮,故选A。

4.How do local people feel about what will happen?

A Surprised.

B Happy.

C Angry.

D Sad.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段“These let local people angry.”可知,当地人对拆桥让行感到很生气。故选C。

5.Where can you find this passage?

A In a textbook.

B In a newspaper.

C In a travel guide.

D In a food magazine.
