
Shawanee’ Patrick is passionate about giving everyone the ability to walk as comfortably and effectively as possible through the use of walking assistive devices, such as prosthetics(假肢) and orthotics. A Ph.D. student in the J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University, Patrick was inspired to help develop better walking assistive devices by the partial paralysis(瘫痪) of her grandmother.

Her research focuses on developing and refining walking assistive devices by determining what inputs are important and outcomes that could improve the design process. “I like to say my research is about how to help people who can’t walk be able to walk, and how to help those who do walk, walk better,” Patrick said. “That’s kind of my aim. Walking improves the quality of life, so it’s really important we help those facing challenges when we can.”

The COVID-19 pandemic brought challenges to Patrick’s research as well. Patrick’s research — which works with human studies — had been delayed several times by the health and availability of her subjects. Patrick said the process of conducting her research includes investigating the user’s needs from various angles. From the perspective of the user themselves to their physician and family members, Patrick said it is necessary to build a complete picture of them.

Patrick is determined to make a positive impact on the lives of the people she works with, as well as the thousands more like them. Although the specific project she is working on will not be going to market, Patrick said she is hopeful that the research she is conducting could one day influence the development of a product that makes its way to those who could greatly benefit from the support. 


1.What brought Patrick the inspiration for her project?

A Her grandmother’s difficulty.

B Her own need for the prosthetics.

C Her assignment in university.

D Her passion for mechanical engineering.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句 “Patrick was inspired to help develop better walking assistive devices by the partial paralysis of her grandmother”可以得知,她看见祖母因部分瘫痪而有行走不便的困难,从而激发了她开发更好的行走辅助设备的灵感。故选A。

2.Why did Patrick undertake the research?

A To improve the design process.

B To discover the facts about inputs.

C To meet the important challenges.

D To make lives better for those in need.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第二段可知,她的研究是关于如何帮助不能走路的人能够走路,以及如何帮助那些能走路的人走得更好,并结合最后一句的 “Walking improves the quality of life...”她认为行走能提高人的生活质量,她从事这项研究就是为了提高那些有需要的人的生活质量。故选D。

3.What did Patrick have to do before her invention?

A Understand the users’ needs fully.

B Know the users’ health and availability.

C Remove the COVID-19 pandemic.

D Make contact with their physician.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的最后两句可知,她的研究过程包含从各个角度调查用户的需求,包括从用户自身到他们的医生和家庭成员的角度,对他们要有一个全面的了解。故选A。

4.What does Patrick expect to obtain from the project?

A Putting her invention on the market.

B Her own benefit from the product.

C Positive impact on painful patients.

D Improvement on her coworkers’ lives.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,她的这项发明并不会走向市场去出售,但她想用自己的这项科研项目为那些病人造福,而不仅仅是对自己的工作伙伴产生积极的影响。故选C。