
A man in Gosport, UK, has been rescued from the sea after a dog spotted him struggling and barked non-stop to alert its owner. The man, in his mid-50s, fell from a tender, which is a small transport boat, near Royal Clarence Marina in Gosport on Saturday evening. Due to stormy conditions and a strong tide, he was swept away 300m (985ft) towards Millennium Bridge. The dog walker rang 999 after her pet would not stop barking near the bridge, alerting her to his calls for help.

She said Poppy, a black cockapoo “just suddenly started barking, when she stopped I could hear somebody shouting for help so I called the coastguard. My husband had a flashlight and shone it out but we couldn’t see anything—we could just hear him calling.” She said when the coastguard arrived: “They asked us to keep the torch shining and they went out looking for him.”

The man, found clinging to a post in the frigid water, was pulled onto a rescue boat and treated for hypothermia(体温过低). “He was incredibly lucky. Being in the water for 30 minutes at this time of year, in a storm force wind with the sea temperature as it is, he was very lucky to survive,” said James, one of the rescuers. “He was swept away from the tender and left clinging to the pile—if the dog walker hadn’t raised the alarm the consequences could have been very different.”

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous said: “We were just so relieved to hear he had been rescued.” It was just fortunate that we were there at that time. How frightened he must have been.” She added that after returning home Poppy was “spoilt with treats—and we’ve started calling her Lassie!”


1.What did the dog do when she found the man in the sea?

A She was swept away 300 metres.

B She reported the event to the BBC.

C She warned her owner by barking.

D She called the coastguard quickly.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句的 “barked non-stop to alert its owner”以及最后一句“her pet would not stop barking near the bridge, alerting her to his calls for help”可以得知当小狗发现海里的男子时,它开始通过吠叫来提醒它的主人。故选C。

2.What did the woman and her husband do before the coastguard’s arrival?

A They shouted for help.

B They shone the torch on the man.

C They tried to look for the man.

D They stopped the dog from barking.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的 “My husband had a flashlight and shone it out but we couldn’t see anything—we could just hear him calling.”可以得知,这个女人和她丈夫用手电筒照了,但是什么也没看到,只听到男子呼救,也就是说他们试图找到那个男子。故选C。

3.What made the man suffer most?

A The strong wind.

B The low temperature.

C The great loneliness.

D The salted water.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段的 “was pulled onto a rescue boat and treated for hypothermia(体温过低)”以及 “in a storm force wind with the sea temperature as it is”可以得知,极低的温度让这名男子受到折磨。故选B。

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A The barking dog helped rescue a man from the sea.

B A Gosport man made friends with a very lovely dog.

C The coastguards could offer urgent help when possible.

D A smart dog was praised for saving a man in the sea.

解析:选A。 A 主旨大意题。文章的主要内容是讲述了小狗发现了一个人掉进海里,然后提醒主人从而救助这个人的故事。A项最符合文意。故选A。