猪肾脏成功植入人体 器官移植重大突破
猪肾脏成功植入人体 器官移植重大突破

A medical team from the University of Alabama at Birmingham said it had successfully transplanted pig kidneys(肾脏) into a brain-dead human. The operation took place last September, but was first reported January 20, 2022.

Similar operations have taken place in recent months. In October, 2021, doctors at New York University temporarily attached a pig kidney to blood vessels(血管) outside the body of a brain-dead human. And earlier last month, doctors at University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore transplanted a pig heart into a living human patient. In all of the operations, doctors used organs from genetically modified(改良的) pigs provided by Virginia-based medical company Revivicor.

The latest experiment in Alabama was performed on 57-year-old Jim Parsons, who was declared brain-dead after being injured in a motorcycle accident. His family donated his body to science.

For a little more than three days — until the man’s body was removed from life support — the two pig kidneys survived with no signs of immediate rejection, the medical team reported. The results were recently published in a study in the American Journal of Transplantation. Dr. Jayme Locke of the University of Alabama at Birmingham led the new study. She said that the experiment marks the beginning of a planned series of pig kidney transplants.

She added that an important finding of the latest operation helped answer a major question: Could the pig kidney blood vessels survive the force of human blood pressure? She said the operation proved that the answer was yes.


1.Where is the organ for the kidney transplant from according to the passage?

A A lab.

B A pig.

C A brain-dead human.

D A living human patient.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“it had successfully transplanted pig kidneys(肾脏) into a brain-dead human”可知,一个医疗小组称已经成功将猪肾植入一个脑死亡者体内,由此可知这个器官来自猪。故选B。

2.Which of the following operations is the latest one?

A The one by New York University.

B The one by the University of Alabama.

C The one by University of Maryland School of Medicine.

D The one by Virginia-based medical company Revivicor.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“The operation took place last September...”和第二段“In October, 2021, doctors at New York University...”及“And earlier last month, doctors at University of Maryland School of Medicine...”可知,几个事件中,“上月早些时候马里兰大学医学院的医生将一颗猪心脏植入一个活体人类病人体内”是最近发生的。故选C。

3.What can we know about Jim Parsons?

A He is in his sixties now.

B His kidneys are of no use.

C He needs operating to save his life.

D He knows nothing about the operation.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,阿拉巴马州的最新实验是在57岁的吉姆·帕森斯(Jim Parsons)身上进行的,他在一次摩托车事故中受伤后被宣布脑死亡。由此推断他对本次手术一无所知。故选D。

4.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?

A The pig kidney transplant is only the first step for the experiment.

B The experiment has achieved a great success until now.

C More pig kidney transplants will be carried out.

D The experiment is the first operation using pig kidneys.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。杰米·洛克博士说该实验标志着一系列猪肾移植计划的开始。也就是说今后会进行更多的猪肾移植手术,故选C。

5.What did the doctors find in this pig kidney transplant?

A The pig kidney is the first choice for the organ transplant.

B The two pig kidneys had immediate rejection in the beginning.

C The patient can survive no more than three days after the operation.

D The pig kidney blood vessels match well with human blood pressure.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,猪肾血管能承受人类血压的压力,由此推断猪肾血管与人体血压非常匹配。故选D。