
A letter written to a 12-year old girl in Lithuania arrived in December, almost 51 years after it was sent. Now in her 60s, Genovefa Klonovska said after being handed the letter, “I thought that someone was pranking me.” A prank is a trick that is done as part of a joke.

The letter included a handmade, colored rose and two paper dolls. It was sent to Klonovska by a young girl in Poland. They exchanged letters in what is known as a pen friend program when people write letters to each other without actually meeting.

The letter, together with 17 others, was discovered this past summer when a wall was taken down in a former post office in Vilnius. Jurgis Vilutis is the owner of the building. “The workers suggested we throw the old letters away, but I called the post office instead,” Vilutis explained. “I’m so happy they got interested.”

The letters, from the late 1960s and early 1970s, were likely hidden by a postal worker after he searched them for money or valuables, Vilutis said. Lithuania was part of the Soviet Union then. The senders(寄件人) were family members or pen friends from places such as Australia, Poland, or Russia. Street names and their numbering have changed in Vilnius.

Post office workers spent months looking for the people who were supposed to receive the letters — the recipients. Only five recipients were found. In several cases, children of dead recipients were handed a lost letter. Deimante Zebrauskaite, head of the customer experience department at Lithuania Post, said “We felt a moral duty to do this.”


1.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “pranking”?

A Laughing at.

B Playing tricks on.

C Looking down on.

D Sending greetings to.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据第一段的“A prank is a trick that is done as part of a joke.”可知,prank是作为玩笑的一部分而耍的把戏。由此猜测作动词的prank意为“捉弄”,选项B与之同义,故选B。

2.Which country did the letter come from?

A Lithuania.

B Australia.

C Poland.

D Soviet Union.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“It was sent to Klonovska by a young girl in Poland. ”可知,这封信来自波兰,是Klonovska的笔友写的。故选C。

3.Where was the letter found?

A In the post office.

B In Vilutis’s mailbox.

C In a wall of a building.

D In a postal worker’s house.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段的“The letter, together with 17 others, was discovered this past summer when a wall was taken down in a former post office in Vilnius.”可知,在维尔纽斯一家前邮局的一堵墙被拆除时,这封信连同其他17封信被发现。故选C。

4.What did Jurgis Vilutis first do to the old letters?

A He threw them away.

B He hid them in the wall.

C He contacted the post office.

D He searched for the owners.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段的“The workers suggested we throw the old letters away, but I called the post office instead”可知,工人们建议房主Jurgis Vilutis扔掉旧信件,但他给邮局打了电话。故选C。

5.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A Teenagers liked writing to each other in the past.

B The postal worker hid the letters for amusement.

C Only some of the letters reached the recipients.

D Deimante Zebrauskaite felt sorry for their mistakes.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Only five recipients were found. In several cases, children of dead recipients were handed a lost letter.”可知,只找到了五名收件人。在几个案例中,收件人已过世,而他们的孩子收到了这些丢失的信件。由此可推知只有部分信件送到了真正的收件人手里。故选C。