

Braving bitter cold, 20,000 cheering people in Belgrade waved Chinese and Serbian national flags to welcome Premier Li Keqiang, who was in Serbia in mid-December to witness the completion of the first Chinese-built bridge in Europe.

In photos taken at the event, Li is seen smiling broadly, appearing to radiate sincerity and confidence in his country's capabilities.It was but one moment in the 34 days Li spent outside China in 2014, achieving agreements around the world worth billions of dollars.

Li has earned himself the nickname the "Super Salesman of China" for his widely reported efforts in promoting Chinese high-speed railways, 4G communications technology, nuclear power and other infrastructure equipment during his overseas visits. At least $140 billion worth of deals were made for Chinese companies and more than 250 agreements were signed during his five official visits last year to 13 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.

The premier's passion and skill as the nation's salesman are reflected in his articles. His essay, Greetings Across Rivers and Mountains, was published on Nov 26, 2013, before his meeting that year with representatives of 16 Central and Eastern European countries.

In it, Li wrote: "We are fully capable of taking on high-quality transportation infrastructure projects in Central and Eastern European countries.China has reached world standards in manufacturing and installing equipment for coal-fired and hydropower stations, including pumped storage power stations. We also have mature technologies and world-class manufacturing capabilities in nuclear, wind and solar energies. Our equipment is inexpensive and of high quality, which makes China an ideal partner for CEE countries."


1.What was the weather like when Li Keqiang arrived in Belgrade?

A Sunny and warm.

B Cloudy an warm.

C Very cold.

D Rainy and cold.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句Braving bitter cold,…可知,李克强总理到达Belgrade 时天气异常寒冷,故选C。

2."Super Salesman of China" in the passage refers to________.

A President of Serbian.

B Premier Li Keqiang.

C President Xi Jinping.

D President Obama.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Li has earned himself the nickname the "Super Salesman of China" for…可知,故选B。

3.How much worth of deals were made by the "Super Salesman of China" ?

A At least $140 billion.

B At least $250 billion.

C At least $34 billion.

D At least $2,000 billion.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句At least $140 billion worth of deals were made for Chinese companies…可知,故选A。

4.CEE countries is short for_________.

A Central and Eastern African countries.

B Central and Eastern European countries.

C Central and Eastern Asian countries.

D China and Eastern European countries.

解析:选B。B 语义理解题。A与C选项首字母无法对应,应排除;李克强出访的是外国,不是自己的祖国中国,D选项错,故选B。

5.The broad smile on Li’s face suggests__________.

A He likes to smile.

B He is very gentle.

C He is sincere and confident in his country's capabilities.

D He is glad to make a big deal.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。李克强的笑容彰显的是大国的自信与真诚,故选C。