2岁女孩装扮成迷你英国女王 收到女王的回信
2岁女孩装扮成迷你英国女王 收到女王的回信

Lots of little kids dress up as superheroes or characters for Halloween, but 2-year-old Jalayne Sutherland decided to go a different route.

It was actually her mom, Katelyn Sutherland, who had the good idea of dressing her daughter up as Queen Elizabeth II. But the idea was 100 percent inspired by her daughter, who loves corgis(柯基犬) just as much as the queen does. “Ever since Jalayne was born, the two corgis have been best friends with her,” Katelyn said. “Especially since she started eating and feeding them food, they loved her even more.”

They already had the corgis needed to complete Jalayne’s costume, so the real challenge was putting together the perfect set of clothes. In addition to finding a pale blue coat, pearls, and a brooch(胸针), Katelyn made a wig(假发) that she glued onto a matching light blue hat. Friends and family members all talked about the results on Facebook, even encouraging Katelyn to share them with the queen herself.

The mom didn’t think it was likely that royalty(王室) in England would take the time to respond to a letter all the way from Kentucky, but with Queen Elizabeth feeling ill at the time she sent the letter, Katelyn thought it might be a nice way to cheer her up.

It turns out, Katelyn was right! On December 27, 2021, about a month and a half after they mailed the photo, Katelyn discovered that a letter addressed to Jalayne had arrived … and it had the royal stamp.

“It was mixed in with our other mail. I had to calm myself down and make sure not to rip the envelope,” Katelyn said. The letter will finally be given to Jalayne, but for now, her parents plan to keep it in the living room.


1.What’s the similarity(相似性) between Jalayne and the Queen?

A The same hobby.

B The good looking.

C The love for dogs.

D The happy childhood.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“But the idea was 100 percent inspired by her daughter, who loves corgis(柯基犬) just as much as the queen does.”可知,这个想法是受她女儿的启发,她女儿和女王一样喜欢柯基犬。故选C。

2.What’s the difficulty for Jalayne to dress up like the Queen?

A To have the corgis.

B To buy a light blue hat.

C To put make-up on Jalayne.

D To find clothes like the queen’s.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段的“They already had the corgis needed to complete Jalayne’s costume, so the real challenge was putting together the perfect set of clothes.”可知,他们已经有了完成Jalayne的装扮所需要的柯基犬,真正的挑战是组装一套完美的服装。由此推断他们的难点在于找到和女王一样的服装。故选D。

3.How did Katelyn feel when she received the letter from Queen Elizabeth?

A Calm.

B Surprised.

C Satisfied.

D Disappointed.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,凯特琳本以为英国王室不太可能会回复她的信件,由此推断当她收到王室的回信时,她感到很意外。故选B。

4.When did Jalayne’s family probably mail to the Queen last year?

A In September.

B In October.

C In November.

D In December.

解析:选C。C 数字计算题。根据第五段的“On December 27, 2021, about a month and a half after they mailed the photo”可知,2021年12月27日,在邮寄照片后大约一个半月,凯特琳收到英国王室的回信,即凯特琳是在大约45天前(11月)寄出的信件。故选C。

5.What will probably happen to Jalayne’s family according to the passage?

A They will keep the letter in the living room.

B They will write another letter to the Queen.

C They will prepare for media interviews.

D They will give the letter to Jalayne in the future.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“The letter will finally be given to Jalayne, but for now, her parents plan to keep it in the living room.”可知,这封信最终将交给贾莱恩,但现在她的父母打算把它放在客厅里。故选D。