孩子到店只为弹吉他 好心顾客买吉他送给他
孩子到店只为弹吉他 好心顾客买吉他送给他

Over the last couple of years, Fallon would travel over an hour to visit J.B. Hart Music Co., Inc.( J.B.哈特音乐公司) in Grand Junction from his home in Montrose.

His request each time was to play the “Pantera guitar”, meaning the Dean Dimebag Darrell ML Guitar. “We were shocked he knew some Dimebag riffs(重复段),” a spokesperson for J.B. Hart Music Co., Inc. said.

Fallon, who has Williams Syndrome(威廉姆斯综合症), has an excellent knowledge and a love for music. His dream was to own this guitar.

Eight months ago, while he was in the store playing it, a customer took notice of Fallon. It moved the customer so much that he returned to the store later, bought the guitar, and asked the music shop to give it to Fallon anonymously(匿名地) the next time he came in.

“However, we didn’t see Fallon until today,” the store wrote in a Facebook post on December 31, 2021. “We tried finding him but failed. Today, his family came in the store, and we learned they had moved to Texas and returned this week for a visit.”

“It was a wonderful experience to gift(赠送) Fallon his dream guitar as a gift from a kind stranger,” the post continued. “His mom burst into tears, and Fallon had a big smile on his face. It was a special moment. There are still good people in this world.”


1.What’s the purpose of Fallon’s visit to J.B. Hart Music Co., Inc.?

A To meet someone in it.

B To play the guitar.

C To enjoy guitar music.

D To do some training.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“His request each time was to play the ‘Pantera guitar’”可知,法伦(Fallon)每次到店里的要求都是弹“Pantera吉他”,故选B。

2.Which of the following best describes Fallon?

A He is a music lover.

B He has a gift for music.

C He was born in a poor family.

D He keeps playing the guitar daily.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段的“...has an excellent knowledge and a love for music”可知法伦热爱音乐。故选A。

3.Why did the customer buy Fallon a guitar?

A Because Fallon played music very well.

B Because the customer liked helping others.

C Because Fallon helped the customer before.

D Because the customer got touched by Fallon.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,法伦在店里弹奏吉他感动了这位顾客,所以他返回店里买下吉他,让老板匿名送给法伦。故选D。

4.What can we learn from the fifth paragraph?

A The store told Fallon to take the guitar.

B Fallon visited the store again by the way.

C Fallon and his family returned to Texas.

D Fallon’s family knew the story from the post.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第五段的“Today, his family came in the store, and we learned they had moved to Texas and returned this week for a visit.”可知,法伦一家人来到店里,他们已经搬到德克萨斯州,这周是回来参观的。由此推断他们是顺道来探访该店的。故选B。

5.Which of the following sentences is an opinion? 

A Fallon’s mom burst into tears.

B Fallon had a big smile on his face.

C There are still good people in this world.

D The customer gifted Fallon his dream guitar.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据全文可知,选项A、B和D都是文中所描述的客观事实。只有C项表达是一种主观看法。故选C。