数百车辆被困高速公路 烘焙公司货车司机就地开箱送面包
数百车辆被困高速公路 烘焙公司货车司机就地开箱送面包

Casey Holihan Noe and her husband John, along with many other drivers, had been stranded(使滞留) on Highway I-95 for over 20 hours and noticed that a Schmidt Baking truck was also stuck out on the road with them.

“After almost 21 hours of being stuck on the road, sleeping here over night, not having food or water, and all of the nearest towns being out of power, we were tired and hungry,” Casey said. “Many of the cars stuck here were carrying children and elderly people who had hardly eaten anything all day.”

So, they decided to call Schmidt Baking Company in Baltimore in the hope that maybe it would be willing to offer whatever products were on the truck. “We reached out to Schmidt Baking Company and begged them to open their truck that was stuck out here with us. We didn’t think it would actually work, but less than 20 minutes later we got a big surprise,” she said.

Chuck Paterakis, one of the owners of H&S Bakery, which operates Schmidt Baking Company, called the couple directly.

“We received a personal call from the owner of the company Chuck who contacted the driver. This driver Ron Hill opened the back of the truck and with the help of some people nearby handed out bread to more than 50 cars who were all incredibly thankful,” Casey said.

About 300 packages of bread were handed out that day. Some families had children who had not eaten for hours on end. “This was one of the kindest moments I have ever seen. Everyone was so thankful.” Casey said.


1.What happened on Highway I-95 according to the passage?

A There was a serious truck crash.

B Vehicles were trapped on the road.

C A Schmidt Baking truck lost its way.

D Casey and her husband helped others.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,凯西·霍利汉·诺(Casey Holihan Noe)和她的丈夫约翰(John)以及其他许多驾驶者在I-95上滞留了20多个小时。故选B。

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A Waiting for a long time made people impatient.

B People had to look for food in the nearest towns.

C Children and the elderly were in a bad situation.

D No one knew what happened to them on the road.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Many of the cars stuck here were carrying children and elderly people who had hardly eaten anything all day.” 可知,许多被困在这里的汽车里坐满了孩子和老人,他们几乎整天没吃东西。由此可知孩子和老人的处境很糟糕。故选C。

3.Why did the couple of Casey call Schmidt Baking Company?

A To ask them for some information.

B To get something to eat from its truck.

C To say sorry to them for being late.

D To tell them the bad news on the road.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“So, they decided to call Schmidt Baking Company in Baltimore in the hope that maybe it would be willing to offer whatever products were on the truck.”可知,他们决定给施密特烘焙公司打电话,希望它能提供卡车上的任何产品(吃的东西)。故选B。

4.What was the big surprise for Casey and her husband?

A They contacted Chuck.

B They knew the driver.

C They got bread.

D They witnessed the kindest moment.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章最后三段可知,施密特烘焙公司的老板同意发放卡车上的面包,这个“巨大的惊喜”就是他们获得了面包。故选C。

5.What was Casey’s feeling about Schmidt Baking Company?

A Worried.

B Happy.

C Nervous.

D Grateful.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中Casey所说的话“This was one of the kindest moments I have ever seen. Everyone was so thankful.”可推断,她非常感激施密特烘焙公司。故选D。