
Do you want to grow plants inside during the cold weather? If so, you may want to consider some plants that can flavor your food and make your home smell nice at the same time. We are talking about the herbs rosemary(迷迭香) and bay laurel(月桂).

Both plants do well inside, near a sunny window in the cold weather as long as the temperature is warm and you keep them watered. Both rosemary and bay laurel come from the part of the world near the Mediterranean Sea. The area is cool but not icy during winter and it gets lots of sunlight.

Gardening expert Lee Reich of the Associated Press says it is important to keep these plants “happy and alive” in the cooler months. So, how do you do it?

For rosemary, water level is very important. The plant needs soil that is a little bit wet all the time but never soaked. Too much water will kill the plant. You can plant rosemary in a container with soil that is about 25 percent sand, perlite or vermiculite. Perlite and vermiculite help soil hold water. If you want to grow bay laurel inside, you can cut unwanted branches from the plant as it grows and make it look like a small tree. You will not hurt the plant if you do this.

Rosemary can add a nice taste to food but it also can make a room smell good. So if you have it growing inside, it is a good idea to place the container near an airflow(气流) source, like a door that is used often. That way the pleasant smell of rosemary floats through the air.

Bay laurel has dark, green leaves and produces a nice smell when picked. When added to food, Reich notes, it makes soups and tomato sauces taste better. You need to crush the leaves after you pick them to release the flavor.


1.What kind of environment is suitable for rosemary and bay laurel?

A Dry and hot environment .

B Cool and dry environment.

C Cold and wet environment.

D Warm and sunny environment.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Both plants do well inside, near a sunny window in the cold weather as long as the temperature is warm and you keep them watered.”可知,在寒冷的天气里,靠近阳光明媚的窗户,只要温度温暖,并且给它们浇水,这两种植物就能长得很好。由此说明有阳光且温暖的环境适合迷迭香和月桂生长,故选D。

2.Which of the following is the key to growing rosemary well?

A The soil.

B Water level.

C The sunshine.

D The container.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第四段的“For rosemary, water level is very important.”可知,对于迷迭香来说,水位非常重要。故选B。

3.To make your home smell nice, rosemary can be placed _________.

A on the table

B in the doorway

C beside the window

D in the living room

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第五段的“it is a good idea to place the container near an airflow(气流) source, like a door that is used often.”可知,最好将容器放在靠近气流来源的地方,比如经常使用的门旁边。故选B。

4.Who will probably be in love with bay laurel in winter?

A A cook.

B A gardener.

C A house wife.

D A plant expert.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据全文可知,迷迭香和月桂是两种适合在冬季家养的可食用植物,由此推测它们很有可能会受到家庭主妇的青睐,故选C。

5.What is the main purpose of this text?

A To call on people to do some gardening.

B To suggest two food materials at home.

C To introduce two kinds of indoor plants in winter.

D To tell us how to look after rosemary and bay laurel.

解析:选C。C 写作意图题。文章主要介绍两种适合在冬季家养的可食用植物——迷迭香和月桂,故选C。