
The weather in 2021 was very extreme. Extreme means that it is different. It is not usual. There were tornadoes(龙卷风), wildfires(野火), and floods(洪水) in new places.

There were heavy floods in Asia, Europe, and New York City. There were many storms. They brought floods. Hundreds of people died in Europe. They did not think that floods could come.

It was also very hot in the summer of 2021.  Hot weather started many fires in the US, Turkey, and southern Europe. Something unusual happened in Siberia. Siberia is a cold place. There is always ice on the ground. However, there were wildfires last year.

There were some other disasters(灾难) in 2021. Earthquakes(地震) happened in Haiti and Pakistan. Hundreds of people died. Volcanoes(火山) broke out in Iceland, Saint Vincent, and the Canary Islands. Many volcanoes broke out, but scientists don’t know why.


1.Extreme weather is ________.

A different but usual

B not different or usual

C different and unusual

D not different but usual

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段的前三句可知,极端天气是不同且不寻常的。故选C。

2.Both heavy floods and hot weather happened in________.

A Asia

B southern Europe

C Turkey

D Siberia

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“There were heavy floods in Asia, Europe...”和第三段得“Hot weather started many fires in the US, Turkey, and southern Europe”可知,欧洲南部既发生了洪水,又出现了高温天气。故选B。

3.The underlined part in Paragraph 3 refers to(指代)_____.

A the fires

B the ice

C hot weather

D cold weather

解析:选A。A 词意指代题。根据第三段最后三句可知,西伯利亚是个寒冷的地方,那里的地面常年结冰,然而去年发生了火灾,这是很不平常的现象。由此可知“Something unusual”指的是火灾。故选A。

4.What disaster happened to Pakistan in 2021?

A A flood.

B A tornado.

C A volcano.

D An earthquake.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段的“Earthquakes happened in Haiti and Pakistan.”可知,地震发生在海地和巴基斯坦。故选D。

5.How many kinds of natural disasters(自然灾害) are mentioned in the text?

A Three.

B Four.

C Eight.

D Seven.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据全文可知,本文总共提到七种自然灾害,分别是:龙卷风、野火、洪水、暴风雨(storm)、高温天气(hot weather)、地震、火山。故选D。