
15 years ago, Mark Abbott was a homeless man. “I rented a place with a friend at the time and it went badly. I ended up sofa surfing and the nine months spent in a hotel,” Abbott said. “Because of that experience, I realized how important it is to have a home you can go back to. For that reason I decided to use the light show to raise money for St Martin’s homeless charity.”

Abbott’s home is completely covered in lights, plays music, and has a sleigh(雪橇) model on his front garden which can seat four children. He also has a snow machine to make sure the festive weather and a light-covered archway(拱门) to mark the way to the front door. The 44-year-old father-of-three has many families who flock to see his home in Norwich, England, with some even traveling from as far as Sheffield — a more than three hour drive.

Abbott is hoping that the winter wonderland will raise money for St Martin’s in Norwich, a charity that offers emergency direct accommodation(住宿), daily care, support and development to rough sleepers(露宿者), sofa surfers and those at risk of becoming homeless.


1.What can we know about Mark Abbott from Paragraph One?

A He worked for a hotel for nine months.

B He was once in poor living conditions.

C He set up St Martin’s homeless charity.

D He was good at planning light shows.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段15 years ago, Mark Abbott was a homeless man.可知15年前马克·艾伯特(Mark Abbott)是个无家可归的人。由此说明他曾经的生活条件很差。故选B。

2.What can't people do in Abbott’s house?

A Enjoy lights.

B Listen to music.

C Travel on the sleigh.

D See the snow machine.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,艾伯特的家里灯火通明,播放着音乐,前花园里还有一辆能坐四个孩子的雪橇模型;他还有一台雪花机,以确保节日的天气。文中并未提及人们可以坐雪橇出行,故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “flock” in Paragraph Two mean?

A 打车.

B 包围.

C 等候.

D 蜂拥.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。结合上下文可知,艾伯特家的装扮吸引了许多人前来参观,有些甚至从谢菲尔德远道而来,由此猜测flock意为“蜂拥”。故选D。

4.The money will directly go to ____________.

A rough sleepers

B sofa surfers

C some homeless people

D St Martin’s homeless charity

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后一段Abbott is hoping that the winter wonderland will raise money for St Martin’s in Norwich可知,艾伯特希望他们家的冬季仙境能为诺威奇的圣马丁教堂筹集资金。故选D。

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A Mark Abbott.

B Christmas lights.

C Raising money for charity.

D A special place in Norwich.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。根据全文可知,英国男子马克·艾伯特用1.6万多盏圣诞灯装饰自己的家,为当地一家无家可归者慈善机构筹款。故选C。