
Hundreds of dogs recently came together in Nigeria’s business capital of Lagos. They wore things meant for _________: colorful school clothes, sunglasses and even book bags. The dogs were taking part in the third-ever Lagos Dog Carnival(拉各斯狗狗嘉年华). Organizers of the event called it bigger and better than ever. This year, the carnival’s theme was “back to school.”

Jackie Idimogu is the organizer of the event. She said the purpose is to bring together dog owners to learn from each other how to take better care of them. “This edition is bigger and better than the editions before and interestingly, the number of dogs that we have this year is over 250, which is double what we recorded last year,” Idimogu said.

At the event, the awards on offer included “head boy” for cleanest school uniform, “punctuality prefect” and “most noisemaker.” Being punctual means arriving on time. Canada, a white-haired golden retriever(寻回犬) with white hair, was named “head boy”. He wore a bright green uniform with stripes(条纹) and a school bag. Ivory, a bulldog, walked away with the punctuality award for arriving first at the carnival. For barking throughout the event, a golden retriever named Oscar took the noisemaker award. There was even a special appearance by a cat. The animal received an attendance(出席) award.

Idimogu said the event has helped raise awareness on keeping dogs as pets. She said there are plans to take the event to other cities across Nigeria in the future.


1.Which of the following words can be put in the blank in Paragraph 1?

A Models.

B Animals.

C Humans.

D Children.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据下文的“...colorful school clothes, sunglasses and even book bags.”可知,这些狗身着五颜六色的校服,并佩戴太阳镜甚至书包,由此看出这些物品是人类的装束。故选C。

2.The event is supposed to_______.

A help people spend a nice holiday in busy days

B reduce stress for both people and dogs

C give dog owners a chance to show their dogs

D share dog care experience among dog owners

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段“She said the purpose is to bring together dog owners to celebrate their dogs and learn from each other how to take better care of them.”可知,这项活动的目的是让狗主人聚在一起互相学习如何更好地照顾他们的狗狗。故选D。

3.Which of the following awards was offered to Ivory?

A Head boy.

B Punctuality prefect.

C Most noisemaker.

D Attendance award.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Ivory, a bulldog, walked away with the punctuality award for arriving first at the carnival.”可知,一只叫做象牙的斗牛犬因为第一个到达此次活动现场而获得了守时奖。故选B。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A This year’s carnival created a new record in Lagos.

B The number of dogs reached up to about 500 last year.

C Only dogs can have chances to win the different awards.

D Students were organized to return school during the carnival.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“This edition is bigger and better than the editions before and interestingly, the number of dogs that we have this year is over 250, which is double what we recorded last year”可知,这次活动的组织者称它比过去办的规模更大更好,并且今年参与的狗的数量比去年多一倍,即今年在拉各斯举办的狂欢节创造了一项新纪录。故选A。

5.What is most likely to happen in the future?

A People will develop a habit of keeping pets.

B The dog carnival will bring business benefits.

C School students can enjoy the carnival at school.

D Other cities across Nigeria will hold the carnival.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,活动组织者表示,有计划在未来将这项活动推广到尼日利亚的其他城市。故选D。