
There are about 40,000 Mosuo people. For centuries they have lived near the Lugu Lake, which lies at 2,700m above sea level. Mosuo people lived together in beautiful mountain villages filled with wooden homes, and they keep many unique customs, not found anywhere else in the world.

One of the most special cultural traditions is zouhun or “walking marriages”. After they are accepted as an adult, usually at the age of 13, Mosuo females can choose their lovers, having as many or few as they wish in their whole life.

During the “marriage”, the woman invites the man to visit her home, and he stays the night in a “flower room”, leaving in the early morning to return to his own home. Couples do not live together. Babies are brought up in the female’s family, with brothers and uncles providing the father’s role.

     Traditionally, they were often away from the village, travelling in trade carts(地摊推车) to sell local produce. They would also have to do the work of house building and fishing, as well as the killing of animals such as chickens and ducks. Most importantly, still today, while men don’t need to take care of their own children, it’s their duty to make money to raise their sisters’ children living in their own families.


1.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “unique” in Para. 1?

A 孤立的.

B 富庶的.

C 常见的.

D 独特的.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据该词所在位置的后文“...not found anywhere else in the world”可知这些风俗在世界的其他地方是找不到的,即是独特的。故选D。

2.How many lovers can a Mosuo woman have?

A Only one.

B As many as possible.

C As few as possible.

D As many as she likes.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“...having as many or few as they wish in their whole life”可知摩梭族的女子一生可以根据自己的喜好拥有任意多个爱人,故选D。

3.What can we know about a Mosuo couple?

A The man stays in the “flower room” all day.

B The man and the woman don’t live in the same house.

C The woman has to bring up babies at the man’s house.

D The man goes to the woman’s house in the early morning.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Couples do not live together”可知夫妻不住在一起,故选B。

4.Which of the following can be put in “ ▲ ”?

A Men are good at making money and doing housework.

B Men have nothing much to do both in society and at home.

C Men still play important roles in Mosuo society, however.

D Nowadays, men play a different role in the family.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据下文可知摩梭族的男人要做很多事,按照传统,他们需要外出售卖农产品、建造房屋、捕鱼和杀鸡鸭等,更重要的是,直到今天都还是有责任挣钱抚养自己的姐妹的孩子,由此可推断,在摩梭社会中他们还是起着很重要的作用,故选C。

5.Which part of a newspaper can we put this passage in?

A Fashion.

B Science.

C Culture.

D Sports.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。全文主要介绍摩梭族的一种独特的风俗习惯,属于文化介绍,故选C。