奥密克戎肆虐英国 英国人今年怎么过圣诞
奥密克戎肆虐英国 英国人今年怎么过圣诞

With the Omicron variant(变种) spreading extremely rapidly, Brits are wondering what they can and can’t do this Christmas. Rules and guidance is constantly changing because of the rise of the near variant, leaving many people confused.

The UK government’s Plan B Covid restrictions were recently introduced to fight the rapid spread of the variant across Britain. Boris Johnson had hoped to hold off on carrying out curbs on people’s daily lives until January to allow as normal a Christmas as possible. But the new variant has since forced him to act, urging Brits to get their booster vaccinations(加强针) done as soon as possible, to reduce the spread of Omicron.

Christmas has not been cancelled however, and Christmas parties are still allowed to be held. The rules are not the same for the four UK nations and in Scotland people have been asked to restrict social contact to one other household for Christmas. In Wales, nightclubs will be closed from December 27 and in Northern Ireland, indoor gatherings should have no more than 30 people. In England and Wales there are no limit on social interactions with friends and family during the festival, but ministers have advised people to take a Lateral Flow test before gathering and mixing with others to ensure the risk of Covid is reduced.

Plan C is reportedly already being drawn to slow down the spread of Omicron. This could see the reintroduction of table service at pubs and restaurants and the requirement for vaccine passports in smaller venues. Mask wearing has been extended to cover most public venues such as theatres and cinemas. And face coverings will be required on public transport and many public places. The government said: “Face coverings have low economic costs and can be effective in reducing transmission in public and community settings.” You are not expected to wear a mask while eating or drinking, but it is advised you wear one in “crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet”.


1.What confuses the Brits before this Christmas?

A The coming of the Omicron variant.

B The changing rules and guidance.

C The way of how to celebrate festivals.

D The kind of gifts they would buy.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第一段Brits are wondering what they can and can’t do this Christmas和Rules and guidance is constantly changing..., leaving many people confused可知不断变化的规则让很多英国人无所适从,他们不知道什么该做,什么不该做,故选B。

2.The underlined word “curbs” probably mean _________.

A virus

B vaccinations

C lives

D restrictions

解析:选D。D。词义猜测题。根据前一句为防止奥密克戎病毒在英国迅速传播,英国政府最近推出了计划 B 管控措施(restrictions)。而英国首相 Boris Johnson 之前本打算推迟这些管控措施,到一月再执行,可 知 curbs 的意思和 restrictions 相同,即“限制,管 控”,故选 D。

3.In which place could several families get together without testing?

A In Scotland.

B In Wales.

C In Northern Ireland.

D In England.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第三段in Northern Ireland, indoor gatherings should have no more than 30 people可知在北爱尔兰,可以举办不超过30人的室内聚会。故选C。

4.Why does the government adopt face covering measures?

A To make people feel normal.

B To prevent transmission more effectively.

C To make people eat faster.

D To replace the vaccination.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据最后一段The government said: “Face coverings have low economic costs and can be effective in reducing transmission in public and community settings.”可知政府认为戴口罩能有效减少病毒传播且成本低。故选B。