


Premier Li Keqiang laid a flower basket at the foot of a statue dedicated to the memory of reform mastermind Deng Xiaoping in Shenzhen, Guangdong, on Monday morning.He then took a deep bow at the foot of the six-meter high bronze sculpture and bowed another three times with ministers who accompanied him on his trip to Shenzhen.

The sculpture is situated on top of Lianhua mountain in Shenzhen, a city at the forefront of Deng's reforms and an early window to the outside world.Deng decided to set up special economic zones in four coastal cities, including Shenzhen, to boost trade with overseas markets. 

Li also met a group of former officials who accompanied Deng during the 1992 trip, and encouraged Shenzhen to continue exploring ways to push reform “bravely”, and not be afraid of making mistakes.

Calling Shenzhen an experimental field of reform, Li said more room will be given for the city’s reform exploration and its successful experience could be expanded to the rest of the nation.

It is a tradition for Chinese leaders to pay tribute to Deng to show their determination to deepen reform, but today’s leadership faces new missions and challenges.

In his first visit outside Beijing as top Party leader, President Xi Jinping also went Shenzhen and visited Deng’s statue at the end of 2012.


1.Who paid tribute to Deng Xiaoping this Monday morning?

A Li Keqiang.

B Xi Jinping.

C Wen Jiabao.

D Hu Jingtao.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Premier Li Keqiang laid a flower basket at the foot of a statue dedicated to the memory of reform mastermind Deng Xiaoping…可知,故选A。

2.Where does the sculpture of Deng Xiaoping lie?

A At the foot of Lianhua mountain in Shenzhen.

B On top of Lianhua mountain in Shenzhen.

C At the foot of Lianhua mountain in Hong Kong.

D On top of Lianhua mountain in Hong Kong.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句The sculpture is situated on top of Lianhua mountain in Shenzhen,…可知,故选B。

3.What is the best meaning of “special economic zones” in Chinese?

A 特别经济区域.

B 经济特区.

C 特殊经济带.

D 专门经济区.

解析:选B。B 语义推测题。“经济特区”是我国对深圳等特区的官方统一称呼,故选B。

4.Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?

A Deng decided to set up two special economic zones.

B Li Keqiang accompanied Deng during the 1992 trip.

C Li Keqiang encouraged Shenzhen to continue reform, and don’t make any mistakes.

D The rest of the nation can learn the successful experience of Shenzhen.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。邓小平决定设立四个经济特区而不是二个,A项错;李克强1992年并未陪邓小平到深圳,B项错;李克强鼓励深圳继续深化改革,不要怕犯错误,而不是不能犯错误,C项错;故选D。

5.Why did Chinese leaders pay tribute to Deng?

A Show respect to Deng.

B Show their determination to deepen reform.

C The central government demands them to.

D Both A and B.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。国家领导人到深圳莲花山敬献花篮既是对改革总设计师邓小平的尊敬也是坚定改革的决心,故选D。