《长津湖》上映英国 外媒:堪比好莱坞
《长津湖》上映英国 外媒:堪比好莱坞

Trinity Cine Asia released China’s war epic “The Battle at Lake Changjin” in cinemas across the UK and Ireland on Friday. The film is currently the highest-grossing(票房最高的) film in China as well as in the world so far in 2021, having earned more than 5.62 billion yuan ($879 million) since its first public performance in China on September 30, according to figures reported by the Xinhua News Agency.

“It’s a privilege for us to be able to release the biggest box office story of 2021, when cinemas are just beginning to recover,” said Trinity Cine Asia co-founder and director Cedric Behrel on November 12. “The Battle at Lake Changjin presents a fresh viewpoint which hasn’t been seen before, reframing(再构造) the war film narrative we’re used to seeing, but with production values to match Hollywood,” Behrel said. “The film falls into the war film model of decisive battles that changed the course of history.”

Jointly directed by Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam, “The Battle at Lake Changjin” is set during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-1953), the Chinese participation in the Korean War, and tells the story of Chinese People’s Volunteers soldiers fighting bravely in freezing temperatures in a key campaign at Lake Changjin, or Chosin Reservoir. The story of young warriors willing to risk it all to defend their motherland against the world’s best-equipped army, despite a lack of food and warm clothing during the bitter cold, has moved many moviegoers to tears.

Kelly Wang, an international student studying at the University of Leeds, told the Global Times that after watching the film, she went back to school and recalled this period of history with her roommates in the UK. She thought it was a major step forward for Chinese films, which not only proved the perseverance and persistence of Chinese soldiers, but also gave people around the world an opportunity to relearn and reflect on history. “It’s no longer the time when Westerners decide most of the content of history,” Wang noted.


1.What can we know about the film “The Battle at Lake Changjin”?

A It is the biggest box office hit film in 2021.

B It is the most popular film in Ireland.

C It has earned more than 879 million yuan.

D Its first general release is in the UK.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,2021年目前为止,电影《长津湖》是中国也是世界上票房最高的电影,A项正确;文中并没有提到它是爱尔兰最受欢迎的电影,B项不正确;该电影在中国的票房是56.2亿元,折合8.79亿美元,C项不正确;该电影的首次公映是在中国,而不是在英国,D项不正确。故选A。

2.How did Cedric Behrel think of the film?

A He showed no interest in it.

B He spoke highly of it.

C He had a critical opinion about it.

D He presented a fresh view about it.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段内容,尤其是关键词 “presents a fresh viewpoint ”以及 “with production values to match Hollywood可推断出,Behrel对电影《长津湖》评价很高,故选B。

3.Which word can replace the underlined word “warriors” in Para. 3?

A Performers.

B Soldiers.

C Residents.

D Scholars.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。结合前文中的 “the story of Chinese People’s Volunteers soldiers”,并根据该词所在句,可知年轻的warriors对抗装备精良的军队以保卫祖国,可推测warriors意为“战士,士兵”,即“soldiers”,故选B。

4.What did the film convey to us according to Kelly Wang?

A The chance to forgive enemies.

B The opportunity to make history.

C The major obstacle for Chinese films.

D The strong will of Chinese soldiers.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,Kelly Wang认为电影《长津湖》意味着中国电影向前迈进一大步,不仅证明了中国士兵的坚韧和毅力,也给了世界各地的人们一个重新学习和反思历史的机会,故选D。