
An “acts of kindness” card traveled across the US to bless a 30-year-old mother who was out to eat with her two young children.

Liana Arruda had taken her kids to dinner at Home Plate Bay Street Grill in Taunton, Massachusetts, after a trick-or-treat event at Taunton High School. Liana ordered food for her and the children, as well as some to take home for a family member, which brought the bill to at least $80. But when she went to pay, the waitress told her that the women who had sat next to her had already paid for the meal.

“I almost wanted to cry because it was just really selfless and kind,” she said, “I was with two young kids, so they can get a little crazy.”

Before she left, the mystery woman handed the waitress a card and asked her to pass it on to Liana. The card was created to honor the life of Trevor Paul Thomas, a great athlete who played baseball in Maryland. He passed away in a motorcycle accident in 2019 at just 21 years old. The card reads: “If you receive this card, then you must be a recipient(领受者) of a random(随机的) act of kindness. Please consider making a post to share your experience. In order for the Thomas family to see it, the post will have to be public, and please use #liveliketrev23.

Somehow, it traveled over 500 miles and landed in Taunton.

Liana said she’s not rushing to give the card away again. She said she’s looking for the right moment to help someone in need.


1.What can we know from the second paragraph?

A Liana Arruda couldn’t afford the food bill.

B A stranger helped pay Liana Arruda’s bill.

C Liana’s kids played trick-or-treat with her.

D The waitress offered Liana a free dinner.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“But when she went to pay, the waitress told her that the women who had sat next to her had already paid for the meal.”可知,当莉安娜·阿鲁达(Liana Arruda)去付账时,女服务员告诉她,坐在她旁边的女子已经替她付了餐费。故选B。

2.How did Liana feel when she heard what waitress said?

A Crazy.

B Excited

C Moved.

D Surprised.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段的“I almost wanted to cry because it was just really selfless and kind”可知,莉安娜说她快哭了,她认为这个举动真的是无私和体贴的,由此推断当时她应该是备受感动,故选C。

3.Why did the woman leave a card to Liana?

A To give her the best wishes.

B To invite her to a dinner party.

C To honor the life of a great athlete.

D To tell her the story behind the card.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,这张卡片是为了纪念特雷弗·保罗·托马斯(Trevor Paul Thomas)而制作的,希望领受者可以考虑发个公开的贴子分享,让托马斯一家可以看到,故选C。

4.If you are the recipient, you can consider __________ according to the card.

A continuing with an act of kindness

B helping others in the name of Thomas

C sending a card to the Thomas family

D writing a post online with a given topic

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,卡片上写着请收到卡片的人考虑写一个帖子来分享自己的经历。并且为了让托马斯一家看到这个贴子,这个帖子必须是公开的,并统一使用“#liveliketrev23”这一话题,故选D。

5.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A Liana wouldn't follow the advice on the card.

B Liana would give the card away again soon.

C Liana would wait for a chance to help others.

D Liana would tell the Thomas family her experience.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“She said she’s looking for the right moment to help someone in need.”可知,莉安娜正在寻找合适的时机来帮助有需要的人。由此说明她会等待机会帮助别人。故选C。