
Colin and Donna Craig-Brown were working in their New Zealand garden in late August. They were removing unwanted plants when they found something strange.

After a little digging, Colin discovered there was a very large potato growing in his garden. And they did not even plant potatoes! How large was the potato? “We couldn’t believe it,” Donna said. “It was just huge.”

The couple worked the potato out of the soil and brought it to a scale(秤). It weighed almost 8 kilograms. That’s about the same as a small dog. The potato may be the largest ever recorded. Guinness keeps a list of world records. In 2011, a large potato from Great Britain weighed just under 5 kilograms. The New Zealand potato, now named Doug, could break the record. The Craig-Browns asked Guinness to recognize their potato as the largest ever. They are waiting to hear back from the organization.

The potato has become famous in the town of Hamilton. Colin built a small cart to take Doug on walks around the neighborhood. “We put a hat on him. We put him on Facebook, taking him for a walk, giving him some sunshine,” Colin said. “It’s all a bit of fun. It’s amazing what entertains people.”

Colin said he does not have any special gardening methods to pass on. Normally, he and his wife fertilize their garden with waste(粪便) from cows and dried grasses. The Craig-Browns were growing cucumbers in that part of the garden, so they were surprised to find a potato. It may have been growing for two years or more.

The potato is getting a little old now, two months after it was taken from the ground. It smells bad. Right now, it is in the freezer. But it might not stay that way forever. Colin said Doug’s future may be as the main ingredient in alcohol.


1.How did the Craig-Browns feel after finding the large potato?

A Peaceful.

B Hurried.

C Amazed.

D Doubtful.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段And they did not even plant potatoes! How large was the potato? We couldn’t believe it...可知这夫妻俩甚至没种过土豆!土豆有多大呢?他们简直不敢相信。可知土豆之大让他们十分震惊,couldn’t believe it强调震惊的程度,故选C。

2.Which of the following best describes the New Zealand potato?

A It is the largest ever recorded in the world.

B It was named Doug after Colin’s pet dog.

C A few people know about Doug in local areas.

D It still lacks an official certification from Guinness.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段The Craig-Browns asked Guinness to recognize their potato as the largest ever. They are waiting to hear back from the organization.可知,克雷格·布朗夫妇要求吉尼斯世界纪录认证他们的土豆是有史以来最大的土豆,他们正在等待该组织的回音。由此说明目前该土豆还没有得到吉尼斯的官方认证。故选D。

3.What can we learn about Colin from Paragraph 4?

A He became famous for his potato.

B He held an indoor display for Doug.

C He shared the joy with other people.

D He took Doug for a ride in the community.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第四段可知科林造了一辆小车带土豆道格在附近散步,他们给这个土豆戴上了一顶帽子,把它的照片放到Facebook上,带它散步,晒太阳,这个土豆给人们带来了乐趣。由此说明他和其他人分享了这份喜悦,故选C。

4.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A Doug will be kept forever in the freezer.

B Doug is most likely to be used to make wine.

C The Craig-Browns’s garden will be a tourist attraction.

D The Craig-Browns will plant more potatoes in their garden.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,道格目前被放在冰柜里,但它可能不会永远保持这种状态。科林说,道格未来可能会成为酒精的主要成分。由此推断,该土豆最有可能被用来酿酒。故选B。