
       Kimberly Waterbury, and her 95-year-old mother, Dottie Schneider, from Indiana, travelled to Alabama's 
beautiful Orange Beach this October for a week-long vacation.
      Dottie uses a wheelchair and cannot walk in the sand. Her family was trying to get her from their apartment to their beach chairs. That’s when Shane Martin, the lifeguard(救生员) on duty, stopped on a car and asked if the family needed help.
     Shane helped Dottie into the car and drove her close to where her family’s beach chairs and umbrella were
waiting. He carried her the rest of the way and gently put her onto the chair, making sure she was comfortable.
Every day for one week, Orange Beach lifeguards met Dottie and her family to help her down to her beach
chairs. Then at days'end they took her back to her apartment.
    "We are forever thankful to the guys with Orange Beach Surf Rescue," Waterbury said."They made my
mother feel special. She was not made to feel like she was a burden(负担) on anybody."Although trying offering money to the lifeguards many times, Waterbury said her offers were politely refused every time. "All the pay we need is watching her smile,"they would say.


1.What can we know about Dottie Schneider?

A She lost her way on the beach.

B She was injured while walking.

C She is an old woman for a vacation.

D She was saved by Shane Martin.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段可知, 95岁的多蒂·施耐德(Dottie Schneider)来自印第安纳州,今年10月前往阿拉巴马州美丽的橙色海滩度假一周。故选C。

2.Where did Shane Martin meet with Dottie?

A On the sand.

B On a car.

C In the apartment.

D On the way to the beach.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段Her family was trying to get her from their apartment(公寓) to their beach chairs. That’s when Shane Martin, the lifeguard on duty, stopped on a car可知,多蒂的家人正努力把她从公寓搬去沙滩椅上,在那时,执勤的救生员肖恩·马丁(Shane Martin)开车路过。由此推断是在去往沙滩的路上肖恩遇见了多蒂,故选D。

3.Which of the following is the right order? a.Dottie sat on the car. b.Shane drove to the beach. c.Dottie went back to the apartment. d.Shane put Dottie onto the chair.

A a-b-c-d

B c-a-b-d

C a-b-d-c

D d-a-c-b

解析:选C。C 逻辑顺序题。根据第三段和第四段内容可知,肖恩帮助多蒂上车,开车将她载到她家人的沙滩椅和遮阳伞附近,然后他背着她走完剩下的路,轻轻地把她放在椅子上。一天结束时,他又护送她回到公寓。故选C。

4.How many times did Orange Beach lifeguards help Dottie?

A Five times.

B Seven times.

C Ten times.

D Fourteen times.

解析:选D。D 数字计算题。根据第四段可知,在一周的时间里,橙色海滩救生员团队每天都会见到多蒂和她的家人,帮助她坐到沙滩椅上,下午他们又护送她回到公寓。也就是说救生员们一天帮助多蒂2次,一周7天时间,共计14次,故选D。

5.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A Dottie expressed thanks to lifeguards by giving them money.

B The lifeguards asked for nothing in return for helping Dottie.

C Waterbury suggested asking the lifeguards for help.

D The lifeguards are repeating the same service for others.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,沃特伯里和家人非常感谢橙色海滩冲浪救援队的队员们,因为这些救生员们无私奉献、默默地帮助他的母亲,并且Waterbury给他们小费,总是被他们委婉地拒绝,由此可见救生员们帮助多蒂并不求回报。故选B。