
Fleming saw many soldiers die from infections (感染) in their wounds as he worked in a hospital during World War I. This made Fleming decide to find a way to help the body fight infections.

In September 1928, Fleming left some glass dishes on a bench in his laboratory for two weeks. When he came back, he noticed something puzzling. Bacteria (细菌) were growing on all the glass dishes except one. On this dish mould (霉菌) had started to grow—the kind found on old bread. The mould seemed to be giving off something that stopped the bacteria from growing. Fleming called it “mould juice”. He tried it on other bacteria, and it killed them, too. Fleming became wild with joy and named it penicillin.

Unfortunately, Fleming’s boss thought he was wasting his time and it was impossible to kill bacteria at that time. Fleming did a few more experiments with penicillin, and he also wrote about it so other scientists could learn about it. However, because no one seemed interested in his discovery, he forgot about penicillin and started to work on other things.

In 1939, Ernest Chain, a scientist, and his boss, Howard Florey, were looking for medicines that could kill bacteria. They discovered Fleming’s notes and decided to test penicillin. In 1940, they gave penicillin to some sick mice, who survived later. But those who didn’t get it died. Florey declared: “It looks like a miracle!” By 1943, the final tests on humans were finished successfully and the world had its first antibiotic (抗生素) medicine.

1.1. Why did bacteria stop growing on one of the dishes?

A The mould juice killed them.

B Some old bread was on the dish.

C There was something special in the lab.

D The dish was on the bench for two weeks.

解析:选A。细节理解题A。在原文第二段中提到,“The mould seemed to be giving off something that stopped the bacteria from growing. Fleming called it ‘mould juice’. He tried it on other bacteria, and it killed them, too.”(霉菌似乎释放出某种物质,阻止了细菌的生长。弗莱明称之为“霉菌汁”。他把它用在其他细菌上,也杀死了它们。)这说明霉菌汁杀死了细菌,导致细菌停止生长。因此,答案是A。

2.2. Fleming had to give up his study on penicillin because ________.

A something else was worth doing.

B doing experiments cost much money.

C no scientists showed an interest in it.

D his boss didn’t believe his new discovery.

解析:选C。推理判断题C。在原文第三段中提到,“However, because no one seemed interested in his discovery, he forgot about penicillin and started to work on other things.”(然而,因为似乎没有人对他的发现感兴趣,所以他忘记了青霉素,开始研究其他东西。)这说明弗莱明放弃对青霉素的研究是因为没有科学家对他的发现感兴趣。因此,答案是C。

3.3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A The discovery of penicillin.

B The great work of Chain and Florey.

C The tests on sick mice and humans.

D The value of Fleming’s notes about penicillin.

解析:选C。主旨大意题C。第四段主要讲述了科学家Chain和Florey如何发现弗莱明的笔记并决定测试青霉素,以及他们在病鼠和人类身上进行的测试。特别是提到“In 1940, they gave penicillin to some sick mice, who survived later. But those who didn’t get it died.”(1940年,他们给一些生病的老鼠注射了青霉素,这些老鼠后来都存活了下来。而那些没有得到青霉素的老鼠都死了。)以及“By 1943, the final tests on humans were finished successfully...”(到1943年,针对人类的最终测试也成功完成...)这些都说明该段主要讲述了在病鼠和人类身上进行的青霉素测试。因此,答案是C。

4.4. Which might be the best title of the text?

A The life of Fleming.

B The story of Ernest Chain.

C The science of fighting infections.

D The birth of the world’s first antibiotic medicine .

解析:选D。主旨大意题D。整篇文章讲述了青霉素的发现、被忽视、重新被发现以及最终成为世界上第一种抗生素药物的过程。特别是最后一段提到了“the world had its first antibiotic (抗生素) medicine.”(世界有了第一种抗生素药物。)这最能概括文章的主旨。因此,最佳标题是D,即“世界上第一种抗生素药物的诞生”。