There are over fifty different types of plastics. Many of them are used ___1_ packaging (包装). Most plastics do not break down and a lot of them are not recyclable. When they are ___2__, they can pollute the air and make it very dangerous. 
One of the most popular plastics used in making bottles is called PET. This can be recycled. Plastics __3__ PET need to be labeled so they can be collected easily for recycling. In America, PET is recycled and used to make ___4_ things, such as flowerpots and milk crates. In Germany some bottles are made from a type of plastic which breaks down in strong ___5__ or when buried. ___6__ this is expensive and the bottles might break while they are being need. 
Nearly all the things you buy from the supermarket are wrapped in something. ___7__ fruit and vegetables are wrapped in plastic or in plastic bags. When we use these things, we usually ___8__ the packaging. Packaging keeps food ___9__. It protects the food and also gives us information about the product. But is it all necessary? If you add up all the packaging, it comes to a lot. 
Try not to buy things that use a lot of plastic. You’d better ___10___ your old plastic containers for keeping things.


A at

B on

C to

D for

解析:选D。正确答案是:D. for 句子中提到了“Many of them are used for packaging”,其中“for”表示“用于”,符合句意。因此,选项D是正确答案。


A burnt

B heated

C bought

D used

解析:选A。正确答案是:A. burnt 在句子中提到“they can pollute the air”,说明这些物品被燃烧后会污染空气,因此可以推断出这些物品被“burnt”(燃烧)了。因此,答案为A。


A as

B by

C like

D with

解析:选C。正确答案是:C. like 句子中提到了“Plastics like PET”,其中“like”表示“像……一样的”,符合句意。其他选项的意思与句子不符,因此C是正确答案。


A dry

B new

C heavy

D natural

解析:选B。正确答案是:B. new 在句子中提到PET被回收后用于制造新的事物,如花盆和牛奶箱,因此应该选择B选项,即“new”。


A wind

B smell

C storm

D sunlight

解析:选D。正确答案是:D. sunlight 句子中提到“some bottles are made from a type of plastic which breaks down in strong sunlight”,说明这种塑料瓶在强烈的阳光下会分解,因此D选项“sunlight”是正确答案。


A Or

B So

C But

D And

解析:选C。正确答案是:C. But 句子中出现了转折关系,即“虽然这种方法很贵,但瓶子在需要时可能会破裂”,因此需要使用表示转折的连词。选项C“But”表示转折,符合句意。


A Yet

B Even

C Still

D Always

解析:选B。正确答案是:B. Even 句子中使用了"even"表示"甚至",表示连水果和蔬菜也被包装在塑料或塑料袋中,强调了包装现象的普遍性。其他选项的意思与句子不符。


A put up

B pick up

C give away

D throw away

解析:选D。正确答案是:D. throw away 在句子中提到“我们通常扔掉包装”,所以应该选择“throw away”这个短语,表示“扔掉”。其他选项的意思分别是“put up”张贴,“pick up”捡起,“give away”赠送,都与句子意思不符。


A warm

B clear

C fresh

D delicious

解析:选C。正确答案是:C. fresh 句子中提到“Packaging keeps food fresh”,意思是包装可以让食物保持新鲜。因此,正确答案为C,即“新鲜的”。


A reuse

B return

C repair

D reduce

解析:选A。正确答案是:A. reuse 句子中提到“最好再利用你的旧塑料容器来存放东西”,所以正确的动词应该是“reuse”(再利用)。其他选项的意思分别是“return”(归还)、“repair”(修理)和“reduce”(减少),都与句子意思不符。