
A Long March 5 rocket took off from the Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan province on May 3, 2024. After flying for about 37 minutes, it successfully placed the Chang’e 6 robotic lunar probe (月球探测器) into an Earth-moon transfer trajectory (转移轨道). Several days later the probe was programmed to land on the moon’s far side and started its tasks, which would last about 53 days.

This is the world’s first try to bring samples (样本) from the moon’s far side. For China, it’s the second sample-return moon journey. Chang’e 5 successfully brought samples from the moon in the winter of 2020. Up to now, 10 moon sample-return tasks have been carried out by the United States, the former Soviet Union (前苏联) and China, but all these samples were collected from the moon’s near side.

The moon’s far side has always been a subject of scientific wonder because of its many mysteries. It’s facing away from Earth and it can never be seen from Earth. It was once called the “dark side of the moon” even though it receives just as much sunlight as the near side.

Chinese researchers have found that the soil on the far side is much thicker than that on the near side, but they haven’t found out the reason. Samples brought back by Chang’e 5 have helped scientists find that there were volcanic (火山的) activities on the near side around 2 billion years ago. Some scientists thought maybe volcanoes became inactive on the far side about 4 billion years ago. Is it true? Samples from the far side will allow them to know the answer.

“Comparing the make-up of the far side samples from Chang’e 6 with those collected from the near side will be of great scientific value to the international community,” said Martin Sweeting, a famous professor of space engineering.

1.When did Chang’e 6 begin to work on the moon?

A On May 3, 2024.

B After flying for about 37 minutes.

C In the winter of 2020.

D After landing on the moon’s far side.


2.How many times has China got samples from the moon’s near side?

A Once.

B Twice.

C Five times.

D Ten times.

解析:选A。句意理解题。根据原文"This is the world’s first try to bring samples from the moon’s far side. For China, it’s the second sample-return moon journey."可知,中国之前只成功带回过一次月球样本,即嫦娥五号在2020年冬季从月球带回的样本。因此,中国从月球近侧带回样本的次数只有一次,答案为A。

3.According to the passage, the moon’s far side ________.

A receives less sunlight than the near side.

B has thicker soil compared with the near side.

C can be seen from Earth with powerful cameras.

D has more recent volcanic activities than the near side.

解析:选B。句意理解题。在文章中提到“Chinese researchers have found that the soil on the far side is much thicker than that on the near side”,即中国研究人员发现月球背面的土壤比近侧更厚。因此,B选项“与近侧相比,月球背面的土壤更厚”是正确的。

4.What can we learn from Martin Sweeting’s words?

A Chang’e 6 will stay longer on the moon for more tasks.

B Chang’e 6 is carrying out a valuable task for the world.

C Chang’e 6 will bring samples from both sides of the moon.

D Chang’e 6 can compare samples before bringing them back.

解析:选B。推理判断题。Martin Sweeting教授说:“将嫦娥六号从月球背面带回的样本与近侧收集的样本进行比较,将对国际社会产生巨大的科学价值。”这表明嫦娥六号正在执行一项对世界有价值的任务,因此我们可以从Martin Sweeting教授的话中得知B选项是正确的。