
    An Indian man with an incredible memory recently set a new world record by reciting 14,000 digits of Euler’s number in just 49 minutes.

    Deepu V has always had an incredible memory when it came to numbers. He once set a national record by reciting 2,000 digits of the irrational number (无理数) pi faster than anyone else, and claims to have committed 500 telephone numbers to memory. But when he heard about a world record for memorizing the most decimal (小数的) places of Euler’s number, he saw an opportunity to have his name featured in the Guinness Book of Records. He spent four months preparing for this attempt and took under an hour to blow the previous record of 10,122 digits right out of the water.

    Like pi, Euler’s number is an irrational number. It begins with 2.71828 and continues infinitely in a series of decimals that never repeat. To ensure that challengers don’t cheat during their attempts at breaking this unique Guinness Record, their ears are checked and they are blindfolded before they begin reciting digits. But Deepu was so confident in his method of memorization that he was unfazed by the strict rules of the record attempt.

    “In a table, there are 10 columns and 20 rows. I added five digits in each column, thus in a column of one full row, there are 50 numbers. And with 20 rows on a page, there will be a total of 1,000 digits. Likewise, in 14 pages I was able to include 14,000 digits,” the 33-year-old man told Guinness Records.

    Deepu V spent four months preparing for his challenge. He memorized 250 digits per day from Monday to Thursday, using the remaining three days of the week consolidating all this new information in his memory. To ensure he was ready, he sometimes recorded himself reciting Euler’s number decimals to catch any mistakes he made.

    All the hard work paid off, as in the end, Deepu V made short work of the previous Guinness Record of 10,122 recited Euler’s number decimals, reciting no less than 14,000 decimals in 49 minutes.

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1.1.What motivated Deepu V to memorize Euler’s number?

A His desire to become a millionaire.

B His interest in memorizing irrational numbers.

C The opportunity to be listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

D The potential financial reward offered by Guinness Book of Records.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But when he heard about a world record for memorizing the most decimal places of Euler’s number, he saw an opportunity to have his name featured in the Guinness Book of Records.”可知,当他听说记忆欧拉数小数位数最多的世界纪录时,他看到了一个机会,可以让他的名字出现在著名的“吉尼斯世界纪录”中。故选C。

2.2. What does the underlined word “unfazed” mean?

A Unworried.

B Encouraged.

C Impressed.

D Disappointed.

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据划线单词前面的“But Deepu was so confident in his method of memorization”可知,Deepu V对他的记忆方法非常有信心,因此可推测他对这些严格规则并不感到担忧。故选A。

3.3.What can we know about Deepu V?

A He memorized 10 digits per column across 20 rows.

B He memorized 20 digits per column across 50 rows.

C He memorized 250 digits per day across 3 days of a week.

D He memorized 1000 digits per page and 14 pages.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段中的“And with 20 rows on a page, there will be a total of 1,000 digits. Likewise, in 14 pages I was able to include 14,000 digits”可知,一页上总共有1000个数字,他记了14页。故选D。

4.4.What is the main achievement of Deepu V?

A He set a national record by reciting 2,000 digits of pi.

B He could memorize 500 telephone numbers.

C He recited 14,000 digits of Euler’s number in under an hour.

D He was featured in the Guinness Book of Records for his memory skills.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据本文内容可知,Deepu V在短短49分钟内记住了欧拉数小数点后14000位数字。故选C。