
Kennedy Coke has faced more challenges in her short life than most people. Diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at just two years old, Kennedy has spent much of her childhood bravely battling the disease.

It all began when a routine visit to urgent care for a common cold led to the discovery of a lung tumor (肿瘤), a consequence of a rare genetic condition. That makes it difficult for her body to control tumors, leading to multiple health battles. Despite that, Kennedy overcame her initial diagnosis, becoming magically cancer-free after going through numerous treatments.
However, Kennedy’s journey took another difficult turn in January 2024, when doctors discovered thyroid (甲状腺) tumors during a routine scan. She underwent surgery and once again showed incredible recovery. But just six months later, her condition worsened, and doctors found the uterine (有关子宫的) cancer. Now, at just 10 years old, Kennedy faces the terrible prospect of a hysterectomy (子宫切除) followed by more treatments.
As she prepared for yet another battle, Kennedy’s spirit began to weaken. Her mother, Jodi Hill Coke, knew her daughter needed something to lift her up and give her hope. Kennedy, a huge Taylor Swift fan, dreamed of attending the pop star’s Eras Tour, but with the tour’s tickets selling for thousands of dollars, it seemed an impossible dream.
That’s when the community stepped in. A fund-raising event was launched to help make Kennedy’s dream come true, and the response was overwhelming. Strangers from all over donated more than $16,000, wanting to bring joy to a little girl who has fought so hard for so long.
In a touching video, Jodi surprised Kennedy with the tickets. As she handed her daughter the envelope, Jodi told her, “A lot, a lot of people love you very much.” Kennedy’s face lit up with joy as she realized her dream had come true. 
Kennedy will be attending Taylor Swift’s concert on November 3. For Kennedy, this isn’t just a concert; it’s a beacon of hope and a reminder that she is surrounded by love and support from countless people who believe in her strength.
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1.1.What happened to Kennedy Coke at age 2?

A A traffic accident.

B A rare cold.

C A gunshot wound.

D A genetic disease.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at just two years old”和第二段的“It all began when a routine visit to urgent care for a common cold led to the discovery of a lung tumor, a consequence of a rare genetic condition.”可知,两岁时,肯尼迪因普通感冒急诊检查,结果发现了肺部肿瘤,这是一种罕见的遗传病的结果。故选D。

2.2.How did Jodi Hill want to cheer Kennedy up?

A By arranging a meeting with Taylor Swift.

B By buying her a ticket to Taylor Swift’s concert.

C By raising money for her treatment.

D By taking her to community activities.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第四段内容,尤其是“Kennedy, a huge Taylor Swift fan, dreamed of attending the pop star’s Eras Tour”可知,肯尼迪的妈妈希望帮助女儿实现去泰勒·斯威夫特演唱会的梦想,以鼓励她继续与病魔作斗争。故选B。

3.3.What words can describe Kennedy’s character?

A Positive and strong.

B Outgoing and friendly.

C Patient and kind-hearted.

D Honest and creative.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据全文内容,尤其是肯尼迪经历多种癌症及相关治疗仍然坚韧不屈可知,肯尼迪是一个乐观坚强的人。故选A。

4.What can we learn from the story?

A The responsibility of parents.

B The power of people’s love.

C The wonder of modern medicine.

D The bond between singers and fans.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,文章主要讲了社区众人合力助一位10岁抗癌小战士实现梦想的暖心故事,展现了爱的力量。故选B。