
Everyone has bad feelings, such as anger, worry, or sadness. But do you know how to deal with your bad emotions (情绪)?

●Breathing (呼吸): Imagine that you smell a flower, and then blow up a balloon. Keep doing it and you can calm down.

●Moving: Do some exercise, such as jumping and running. Sweating helps you relax.

●Talking: Talk to others when you feel worried.

●Hugging: Hug your parents, friends, or your pets. They can make you feel safe.

●Drawing: Paint your feelings with color pens.

Remember that you are the master of your emotions, so you should be responsible (负责任的) for your bad emotions. You know where the problem is, and next time you can do better. You will feel hopeful this way. Have a try!

1.How many ways are there to deal with bad emotions?

A 3.

B 4.

C 5.

D 6.


2.If you are worried, what can you do?

A Talk to others.

B Smell a flower.

C Blow up a balloon.

D Do some exercise.

解析:选A。句意理解题。文中提到“Talking: Talk to others when you feel worried.”,即当你感到担忧时,和别人交谈。所以,如果你担心,你可以选择和别人交谈,选项A“Talk to others”是正确的。

3.If you want to feel safe, what might be a good way?

A Breathing.

B Hugging.

C Moving.

D Drawing.

解析:选B。句意理解题。文中提到“Hugging: Hug your parents, friends, or your pets. They can make you feel safe.”,即拥抱你的父母、朋友或宠物可以让你感到安全。因此,如果你想感到安全,拥抱是一个好方法,选项B“Hugging”是正确的。

4.Who should be responsible for your bad emotions?

A Your parents.

B Your friends.

C Your pets.

D Yourself.

解析:选D。句意理解题。文中明确提到“Remember that you are the master of your emotions, so you should be responsible (负责任的) for your bad emotions.”,即你是自己情绪的主人,所以你应该对你的不良情绪负责。因此,选项D“Yourself”是正确的。

5.What is the purpose of this passage?

A To tell us how to deal with bad emotions.

B To tell us how to keep pets.

C To tell us how to calm down.

D To tell us how to paint your feelings.

解析:选A。主旨大意题。全文主要围绕如何处理不良情绪展开,介绍了五种不同的方法,并强调了个人对自己情绪的责任。因此,文章的目的是告诉我们如何处理不良情绪,选项A“To tell us how to deal with bad emotions”是正确的。其他选项如B(如何养宠物)、C(如何冷静下来)和D(如何描绘你的感受)都是文中提到的具体方法,但不是文章的主要目的。