
    The Butterfly Lovers is a well-known legend in China. It originated during the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420) and was primarily passed down through oral traditions in modern-day Zhejiang Province, East China.

    Zhu Yingtai is a beautiful and intelligent girl from a wealthy family in Shangyu (now known as Shaoxing) who loves to learn. However, at that time, girls are not allowed to attend school, so she decides to disguise herself as a boy. On her way to school, she meets a boy named Liang Shanbo, and they become friends. During their three years of study in the academy of classical learning, they enjoy each other’s company both when studying and in their free time. After three years, Zhu’s father orders her to return home. When Liang sees her off, Zhu gives him numerous hints (暗示) about her identity and also pretends to arrange a marriage between Liang and “her sister.”

    After Liang arrives at Zhu’s home, he finally finds out that Zhu is the “sister” he is supposed to marry. Unfortunately, he is too late because Zhu’s father marries his daughter to Ma Wencai, the son of a local official. In Zhu’s home, both of them express their love for each other, but sadly say good-bye.

    When Liang returns home, he falls ill and later dies. Zhu becomes agonized when she learns the news. On her wedding day, she insists on mourning Liang at his tomb before going to Ma’s home. When she gets to the tomb she is caught in a storm. Suddenly, lightning cracks the tomb open and Zhu jumps in it before it closes. Soon afterwards, two butterflies fly out of the tomb and flutter away like a couple of lovers.

    The legend has been adapted to Yueju Opera which is popular in Zhejiang, films, a TV drama, and a violin concerto. Thanks to the concerto, the story has been shared with audiences all around the globe. In an effort to preserve this cultural treasure, the legend was listed among China’s first-batch national intangible cultural heritage in 2006.

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1.What can we know about Zhu Yingtai from Paragraph 2?

A She faces challenges and obstacles while at school.

B She pursues her education despite the societal restrictions.

C She is highly motivated to avoid an arranged marriage.

D She maintains her true identity while at school.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“However, at that time, girls are not allowed to attend school, so she decides to disguise herself as a boy.”可知,尽管当时女孩不被允许上学,祝英台仍然决定女扮男装去上学来追求她的教育。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “agonized” mean?

A Joyful.

B Awkward.

C Heart-broken.

D Shocked.

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据划线单词后面的“On her wedding day, she insists on mourning Liang at his tomb before going to Ma’s home.”可知,梁山伯忧郁成疾,不久身亡;祝英台与马文才结婚那天,祝英台坚持要在梁的墓前哀悼,然后再去马家;再结合前面他们那么相爱可推测,祝英台得知梁山伯去世这个消息后伤心欲绝。故选C。

3.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A The Butterfly Lovers’s economic value.

B The Butterfly Lovers’s origin story.

C The Butterfly Lovers’s historical background.

D The Butterfly Lovers’s cultural significance.


4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A To introduce.

B To advertise.

C To appeal.

D To encourage.
