

Jacqueline Felice de Almania (c. 1322) highlights the suspicion that women practicing medicine faced. Born to a Jewish family in Florence, she moved to Paris where she worked as a physician and performed surgery. In 1322 she was tried for practicing unlawfully. In spite of the court hearing testimonials (证明) of her ability as a doctor, she was banned from medicine.

Tan Yunxian (1461-1554) was a Chinese physician who learned her skills from her grandparents. Chinese women at the time could not serve apprenticeships (学徒期) with doctors. However, Tan passed the official exam. Tan treated women from all walks of life. In 1511, Tan wrote a book, Sayings of a Female Doctor, describing her life as a physician.

James Barry (c. 1789-1865) was born Margaret Bulkley in Ireland but, dressed as a man, she was accepted by Edinburgh University to study medicine. She qualified as a surgeon in 1813, then joined the British Army, serving overseas. Barry retired in 1859, having practiced her entire medical profession living and working as a man.

Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831-1895) worked as a nurse for eight years before studying in medical college in Boston in 1860. Four years later, she was the first African American woman to receive a medical degree. She moved to Virginia in 1865, where she provided medical care to freed slaves.

1.What did Jacqueline and James have in common?

A Doing teaching jobs.

B Being hired as physicians.

C Performing surgery.

D Being banned from medicine.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。通过文章第一段第二句的“she moved to Paris where she worked as a physician and performed surgery. ”以及第三段第二句中的“She qualified as a surgeon in 1813”可知,Jacqueline和James的共同点是都有资格进行外科手术。故选C。

2.How was Tan Yunxian different from the other practitioners?

A She wrote a book.

B She went through trials.

C She worked as a dentist.

D She had formal education.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Tan wrote a book, Sayings of a Female Doctor, describing her life as a physician. ”及全文其它内容可知,Tan与其他从业人员的不同之处在于她写了一本书。故选A。

3.Who was the first African American with a medical degree?

A Jacqueline Felice de Almania.

B Tan Yunxian.

C James Barry.

D Rebecca Lee Crumpler.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。通过第四段第二句“Four years later, she was the first African American woman to receive a medical degree. ”可知,Rebecca Lee Crumpler是第一位获得医学学位的非裔美国人。故选D。