
Darrell: Marina... Marina... MARINA!

Marina: Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear you. I was thinking about my homework.

Darrell: What’s it about?

Marina: Well, I need to draw a future house for my art class, but I haven’t got any ideas. Maybe I should go to the library and look for something useful.

Darrell: Or you can try Pinterest.

Marina: Isn’t it a shopping app?

Darrell: Not really. Many people share their works on Pinterest and tell you how they made them. I’m sure you can get some ideas there.

Marina: Sounds like you use it often.

Darrell: Yeah. Just last week I went there and found the A to Z of making chocolate cake— from choosing good chocolate to baking the cake to making sugar flowers on top.

Marina: Really? I’ll check it out later. Thanks a lot.

1.1. What’s Marina’s homework?

A To draw a future house.

B To get ideas for opening a library.

C To look for something useful to do.

D To do some shopping for her art class.

解析:选A。细节理解题A。这可以从对话中的“Well, I need to draw a future house for my art class, but I haven’t got any ideas.” Marina的作业是为艺术课画一座未来的房子,但她还没有任何想法。这句话得出答案,选择A项。

2.2. Why did Darrell tell Marina to go to Pinterest?

A To get a shopping app.

B To meet some new friends.

C To find some helpful examples.

D To share her works with people.

解析:选C。推理判断C。在对话中,Darrell说:“Many people share their works on Pinterest and tell you how they made them. I’m sure you can get some ideas there.”Darrell告诉Marina去缤趣,是因为他认为在那里可以找到一些有用的例子,从而帮助Marina完成作业。 这表明他认为缤趣上有很多可以借鉴的作品和制作方法,因此建议Marina去那里找灵感。因此,正确答案是C。

3.3. What does the underlined part “A to Z” mean?

A All letters.

B Chocolate cakes.

C Sugar flowers on top.

D Everything about something.

解析:选D。词义猜测题D。在对话中,Darrell提到他在Pinterest上找到了制作巧克力蛋糕的“A to Z”,这意味着他找到了关于制作巧克力蛋糕的所有细节,包括从选择好的巧克力到烤蛋糕再到制作上面的糖花。因此,“A to Z”指的是关于某件事情的所有方面,即“everything about something”。