
Sometimes when the rain falls hard and fast on you, it might hurt a little. But what happens when it hits a mosquito (蚊子)?

In 2012, David Hu, a scientist at Georgia Tech, became interested in this problem and decided to do a research. He used a high-speed camera so that he could watch the mosquitoes in very slow motion and find out what they’re doing when they’re out in the rain.

What he found is that when a raindrop falls on a mosquito, it’s like when a bus hits a person. Besides, the little insect (昆虫) is hit by a raindrop about once every 20 seconds. So why don’t we see many dead mosquitoes after it rains?

A mosquito is as big as a raindrop, but it is much lighter —0.002g only. This saves its life in raindrop hits. Because the mosquito is so light, when it is hit by a raindrop, it won’t experience a force that is strong enough to kill it.

The study also found that when a mosquito is hit by a raindrop, the insect is pushed by the raindrop and falls together with it. But the mosquito doesn’t get wet easily because it is covered with hairs which keep off water. After dropping about 6 cm, it will roll off the raindrop and fly away.

However, this trick isn’t always successful. If the mosquito flies too low when it is hit by the raindrop, it won’t have time to fly off. Then it will hit the ground and meet its death.

1.What does the underlined word “motion” mean?

A Time.

B Movie.

C Step.

D Movement

解析:选D。细节理解题。在文章中提到“He used a high-speed camera so that he could watch the mosquitoes in very slow motion”,这里的“motion”指的是蚊子的运动状态,即它们在雨中如何移动和反应。因此,选项D“Movement”最符合语境。

2.What protect mosquitoes in the rain?

A Their mouths and their noses.

B Their eyes and their ears.

C Their legs and their wings.

D Their body weight and their hairs

解析:选D。句意理解题。在文章中提到:“But the mosquito doesn’t get wet easily because it is covered with hairs which keep off water.”(但蚊子不容易被打湿,因为它们的身体被毛发覆盖,可以防水。)同时,蚊子的体重非常轻,只有0.002克,这使得它们在被雨滴击中时不会受到致命的冲击力。因此,选项D的“体重和毛发”是正确答案。

3.When is it dangerous for a mosquito in the rain?

A When it flies too close to the ground.

B When the rain falls too hard and too fast.

C When it is hit by raindrops too many times.

D When it drops for more than 6 cm in the rain.

解析:选A。句意理解题。文章最后一段提到:“If the mosquito flies too low when it is hit by the raindrop,it won’t have time to fly off. Then it will hit the ground and meet its death.”(如果蚊子飞得太低,当被雨滴击中时,它就没有时间飞走,会撞到地面并死亡。)因此,选项A是正确答案。

4.Which of the following is a proper title for the passage?

A How Raindrops Hurt Mosquitoes

B When Mosquitoes Are in Danger

C Why Mosquitoes Aren’t Hurt in Rain

D When Mosquitoes Meet Their Death
