
It is 2024 now. Nong Jiagui is a village teacher in Guangnan county, Yunnan province. For 38 years, he has helped more than 100 students in the village learn about the world outside of their homes. The 58-year-old village teacher was named one of the 2024 National Role Models for Teaching and Educating People ahead of this year’s Teachers’ Day, which falls on Sept 10 every year.

38 years ago, Nong became the first teacher in the “leprosy (麻风病) village” where people with leprosy used to live back in the 1950s. This village was very separate from the rest of the world. When Nong first got to the village, he was welcomed by the anxious faces at the health center. At first, he wanted to run away. But then he saw the old people who looked disappointed and the kids who really wanted to learn. Finally, he chose to stay and teach.

He named the village Luosongdi, which means “peanuts” in the ethnic Zhuang language. This was because peanuts were the main crop there. By doing this, when students started at a new school, no one associated (联系) their home address with leprosy.

After Nong’s arrival, all school-age children could study in the primary school, and the village has become more accessible to the outside world. He said, “I will continue to teach as long as one child in the village needs me.”

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1.1. When did Nong Jiagui begin to teach in the “leprosy village”?

A In 1960.

B In 1968.

C In 1976.

D In 1986.

解析:选D。D 数字计算题。根据第一段中的“For 38 years, he has helped more than 100 students in the village learn about the world outside of their homes.”和第二段中的“38 years ago, Nong became the first teacher in the ‘leprosy village’”可知,农加贵38年前(2004-38=)1986年开始在“麻风村”教书。故选D。

2.2.What was the village like before Nong Jiagui arrived?

A It was a popular tourist destination

B It had limited contact with the outside world.

C There were no schools or health centers.

D There were plenty of educational resources here.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“This village was very separate from the rest of the world.”可知,在农加贵到来之前,这个村子与几乎外界隔绝。故选B。

3.3.Why did Nong Jiagui name the village Luosongdi?

A Because it was the name of his favorite food.

B Because it was the name of his hometown.

C Because it was a famous place in the area.

D Because he wanted to avoid associating the village with leprosy.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“By doing this, when students started at a new school, no one associated (联系) their home address with leprosy.”可知,“麻风村”有了一个新名字——“落松地”村,农加贵这样做的原因是当学生们去新学校时,没有人再将他们的家庭地址与麻风病联系起来。故选D。

4.4. What can be inferred about Nong Jiagui from the last paragraph?

A He will stop teaching once all students can read.

B He won’t rest until the village gets a new teacher.

C He will continue teaching as long as he is needed.

D He only teaches when there are many children in the village.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段中农加贵所说的话“I will continue to teach as long as one child in the village needs me.”只要村里还有一个孩子需要我,我就会一直教下去,这表明只要他被需要,他就会一直在这里教书。故选C。

5.5. What is the main idea of the passage?

A The history of leprosy treatment in China.

B The story of a teacher who made a difference in a village.

C The challenges faced by people with leprosy.

D The importance of education in villages.
