
I ran into the forest to my favorite place and sat down on my special rock. I knew no one could find me. Al last I had peace and quiet. I lifted my guitar and began to play.

“Hi, Desha!”

Shocked, I found my brother James standing behind me.

“Don’t you have a basketball game to watch?” I complained (抱怨).

“The game was almost over when I noticed (注意) you left. I thought you might like some company (陪伴).”

“Company is the last thing I want. Can’t I have a little peace and quiet?”

James studied me for a minute. It’s hard having such a big family, isn’t it?”

“Eliza’s always prying into my personal life. Yesterday I found her looking through my diary. Now everyone is in the living room watching the game. All I wanted to do was to watch a movie, but when I went to my room. Sara was there listening to the radio. I just want to be alone for a change.”

James sighed and said, “I left the same way when I was your age. But now...”

“Now you have your own room. After Daniel went off to college, you didn’t have to share anymore.”

James smiled, “It is great to have my own room, but sometimes I really miss Daniel. We used to talk about everything—sports, school, friends... Although sometimes it seemed crowded, it was comforting (令人安慰的) to have someone else there.”

“Yeah, ‘crowded’ is right.” I said.

“I know.” James said. “But there are some good things that come out of it—we share memories and jokes no one else understands and we can support one another in face of difficulties.”

I sighed.

“Didn’t Sara stay up half the night with you last week helping you with your homework?” James asked.

I admitted (承认) unwillingly. “Yeah, sometimes she can be all right.”

“This place can be your ‘room’. Anytime you need peace and quiet. just come here,” James said, pointing at a rock.

I was surprised to see James’ name there!

James smiled, “This is a great place for getting away.”

Leaning (依靠) on brother’s shoulder. I thought. “Maybe family is not bad.”

1.Why did Desha leave home?

A She got angry with Eliza.

B She hated watching TV.

C She wanted peace and quiet.

D She wanted to meet James.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据“Company is the last thing I want. Can’t I have a little peace and quiet?”和“ I just want to be alone for a change”可推断出,德莎离开家是为了想要平静和安宁。故选C。

2.Which words can help understand the meaning of the word “prying”?

A Looking through my diary.

B Watching the game.

C Listening to the radio.

D To be alone for a change.

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据“Eliza’s always prying into my personal life. Yesterday I found her looking through my diary.”可知,德莎发现伊丽莎昨天在翻看自己的日记,所以A选项可以帮助理解“prying”这个单词的含义,应该表示“窥探”。故选A。

3.What changed Desha’s attitude to her family?

A Sara’s help

B James’ words

C Daniel’s experience.

D The special rock

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据“James smiled, ‘It is great to have my own room, but sometimes I really miss Daniel. We used to talk about everything—sports, school, friends... Although sometimes it seemed crowded, it was comforting (令人安慰的) to have someone else there.’”和“But there are some good things that come out of it—we share memories and jokes no one else understands and we can support one another in face of difficulties.”以及文章可知,詹姆斯的话改变了德莎对家人的态度。故选B。

4.What can we learn from the story?

A Nobody care about Desha in her family.

B Desha wanted her brother’s company at first.

C Desha finds it difficult to have peace and quiet at home.

D Dasha enjoyed communicating with her family members.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据“I knew no one could find me. Al last I had peace and quiet.”,“Company is the last thing I want. Can’t I have a little peace and quiet?”和“I just want to be alone for a change”可知,德莎发现在家里很难平静下来。故选C。

5.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A We should learn to change.

B There is no place like home.

C Don’t always think about yourself.

D Being alone is the most important.
