
Mike Mason, 63, spent more than twenty years at the FBI(联邦调查局), working his way up to become executive assistant director(常务助理局长). He has served his country for many years — first as a captain in the Marines and later as the No. 4 man at the FBI.

After leaving the agency in 2007, Mason spent more than ten years working with Verizon before deciding to leave his job last year. Mason said he was watching “CBS 6 This Morning” on TV recently when he heard Chesterfield County was in need of school bus drivers.

“When the pandemic(疫情) happened, there were so many people that were doing so many extra things. People like you who still have to get out here. People like grocery store workers. People like telecommunications(电信业) workers. All kinds of people who still had to do their job,” Mason said. “And I felt like I can be doing something to help in this post-pandemic recovery.” So, in April, Mason began working with Chesterfield County Public Schools as a bus driver.

“I’ve done some important things, but guess what? This is important, too,” he said. “I think in our society we need to get next to the idea that there are no unimportant jobs. I mean, what could be more important than the attention we pay to our education system?” As for the money he makes from the job, Mason said he has already donated all of what he expects to make this year to several different charities.


1.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 refers to_______.

A the Marines

B the FBI

C Verizon

D Chesterfield County

解析:选B。B 词义指代题。根据第一段“He has served his country for many years — first as a captain in the Marines and later as the No. 4 man at the FBI.”可知,迈克·梅森为国家服务了多年——先是作为海军陆战队的上尉,后来成为联邦调查局的四号人物。因此,2007年他所离开的机构应该是指联邦调查局,故选B。

2.How did Mason know school bus drivers were in need?

A From the newspaper.

B Through TV program.

C On the school homepage.

D From the local government.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段“Mason said he was watching “CBS 6 This Morning” on TV recently when he heard Chesterfield County was in need of school bus drivers.”可知,梅森最近在电视上收看《CBS 6今日早晨》时,听说切斯特菲尔德县急需校车司机。故选B。

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A The pandemic brought lots of trouble to people.

B People have lost their jobs during the pandemic.

C There were many people who stuck to their posts.

D Mason had to work as a bus driver to make a living.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第三段“When the pandemic(疫情) happened, there were so many people that were doing so many extra things…All kinds of people who still had to do their job”可知, 当疫情袭来时,有很多人在做很多额外的事情。各种各样的人仍然必须做他们的工作,即坚守在各自的岗位上,故选C。

4.According to the last paragraph, Mason_______.

A put education first in his mind

B didn’t accept any pay for his work

C was not pleased with what he had done

D would like to devote himself to the society

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段“I mean, what could be more important than the attention we pay to our education system?”可知,梅森表示,还有什么事情比我们对教育体系的关注更重要呢?由此说明在他心中,教育被放在首位,故选A。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Mason’s new dream.

B A school bus driver.

C No unimportant jobs.

D The society under the pandemic.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。根据全文可知,美国前联邦调查局局长迈克·梅森得知弗吉尼亚州紧缺校车司机,他毅然投身其中,他表示,在我们的社会中,我们需要接受这样一个观念,即没有不重要的工作。这也是本文的主旨所在,故选C。