
Long long ago, there were ten suns in the sky. The extreme heat burned the earth, making crops into ashes. People’s lives were threatened. This was when Houyi appeared. Though it was tough, he climbed to the top of Mount Kunlun without hesitation. He was reaching his bow and arrow up to the suns, leaving only one to bring warmth. He earned deep respect and affection. To award, the Queen Mother of the West presented him the elixir (长生不老药) which could make him become an immortal (神仙) and live forever. Houyi was unwilling to leave his beautiful wife Chang’e behind so he gave the elixir to her to keep. 

The legend of Houyi was known far and wide. Lots of people came and took him as the teacher. One of the students was Pang Meng. He knew about the elixir by chance and decided to steal it. One day, while Houyi was out, Pang Meng broke into their house, forcing Chang’e to hand over the elixir. Chang’e had no other choice but to take the elixir out. But she did not want the bad person to live forever, so she swallowed it herself. Her feet rose from the ground and carried her slowly upward into the sky. Missing her husband, she finally managed to make her home on the moon, which was the closest to the earth.
When Houyi returned home, he could not find his wife. Looking up at the moon, he saw Chang’e standing on the moon, looking into his eyes lovingly. Houyi called out her name, longing for flying to the moon too. But no matter what he did, he could never fly there. The brokenhearted man put out her favorite food and kept praying, hoping that fate could somehow bring his wife back to him again. 
Moved by his good faith, the Queen Mother of the West allowed them to meet once a year on August 15 of the Chinese lunar calendar, when the moon is at its fullest. The loving couple’s annual meeting since then has been observed as a festival for family reunions — Mid-Autumn Festival. 
The festival’s origin is closely associated with the moon, as is the case of its customs.
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1.What can we learn about Houyi from the first paragraph?

A He was kindhearted and humorous.

B He was faithful and independent.

C He was brave and determined.

D He was strong and outgoing.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Though it was tough, he climbed to the top of Mount Kunlun without hesitation.”可知,后羿不畏艰险毫不犹豫爬上昆仑山射日。由此可推知,后羿勇敢又坚定。故选C。

2.Why did Chang’e swallow the elixir herself according to the text?

A To live forever.

B To entertain herself.

C To protect the elixir.

D To fly to the moon.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But she did not want the bad person to live forever, so she swallowed it herself.”可知,嫦娥吞下长生不老药是为了保护长生不老药,防止长生不老药落入坏人之手。故选C。

3.How did Houyi move the Queen Mother of the West?

A By visiting her every day.

B By praying all the time.

C By offering her favorite food.

D By shooting the moon.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The brokenhearted man put out her favorite food and kept praying, hoping that fate could somehow bring his wife back to him again.”后羿悲痛欲绝,只好在家里摆上嫦娥平日最喜欢的食物,反复祭拜祈祷,希望上天开恩,让自己能够见到妻子。故选B。

4.What may be talked about in the following paragraph?

A The traditions of Mid-Autumn Festival.

B The origin of Mid-Autumn Festival.

C The celebrations of Mid-Autumn Festival.

D The influence of Mid-Autumn Festival.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The festival’s origin is closely associated with the moon, as is the case of its customs.”可知,接下来最可能会讲到中秋节与月亮相关的习俗。故选A。