
“Josh! Kate! Emma! Time to go!” Mrs. Cater called from the car.

Emma and Kate hurried to finish their breakfast and Josh was busy looking for his Backpack.

As usual, it was a big rush. Every morning, their mother or father had to drive them to school.

“HURRY!” called their mother. Not so gently (温柔地) this time.

Kids ran to the car. Then Mom turned onto the road.

“Kids, what activities do you have after school?” Mom asked.

“I have dance class.” said Kate.

“I have soccer.” said Josh.

  “I have art class.” said Emma. Their mother just sighed (吸气).

That afternoon, Mrs. Carter had to pick up everybody. She drove a long way. Finally they were home.

Looking at the tired mother. Emma said. “I have an idea! We can ride bikes to school.”

“It’s too far! And taking a taxi costs a lot. If there were buses, that would be nice.” said Kate.

“Today we talked about cars in science class. Many people are all driving at the same time. That’s bad for the air. It uses too much gas (汽油). So we could do a carpool (拼车). Kill two birds with one stone!” said Josh proudly.

“Fantastic! We can talk to our neighbors.” said Kate excitedly.

“Yes!” said Josh “Mom! We could ask them to carpool.”

That night the family went to visit their neighbors.

The family told the Smiths their plan. They all loved the idea!

Evan Smith and Josh were on the same soccer team Their parents would take turns to pick up the boys.

The Carters visited other neighbors. One family said they would drive to school two days a week. Another family had children to Emma’s art class. Someone else had kids in Kate’s dance class.

Finally, they had a schedule (日程表). It showed when each family would drive. Josh said, “Tomorrow, I will tell my science teacher our plan. He will be proud of us! We are being careful with important Earth resources (资源). And we’ve solved our family problem.”

1.What is the Carter family’s main problem?

A The kids can’t get ready in the morning.

B The kids have too many after-school activities.

C The parents and kids always come back home late.

D Driving kids to and from school makes the parents busy and tired.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据“I have dance class.”“I have dance class.”和“I have art class.”可知,卡特家的三个孩子都有不同的课后活动,他们的父母得去接送他们。故卡特一家的主要问题是父母需要开车接送孩子们上学和参加课外活动,这让他们感到很累。故选D。

2.Who found the way to solve the problem?

A Emma.

B Kate.

C Josh.

D Mrs.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据“‘Today we talked about cars in science class. Many people are all driving at the same time. That’s bad for the air. It uses too much gas. So we could do a carpool. Kill two birds with one stone!’ said Josh proudly.”可知,是乔希提出了拼车的解决方案。故选C。

3.What do the underlined words “one stone” refer to (指的是)?

A Riding bikes.

B Taking a taxi.

C Taking a bus.

D Doing a carpool.

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据“That’s bad for the air. It uses too much gas. So we could do a carpool. Kill two birds with one stone!”可知,拼车既能解决开车接送孩子们上学和参加课外活动的忙碌问题,又能减少空气污染,因此one stone指的是“拼车”。故选D。

4.Which word best describes Josh?

A Honest.

B Intelligent.

C Friendly.

D Hard-working.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据“The family told the Smiths their plan. They all loved the idea!”可知,家长们都赞同乔希提出的解决方案,由此可推断,乔希很聪明。故选B。

5.Which would be the title for this passage?

A Let’s carpool!

B Let’s take action!

C Let’s save the earth!

D Let’s help each other!
