
    It’s 2024 now. Three years ago, we asked some kids readers if they thought reading during vacations should be mandatory (强制的). We heard from students who felt strongly about both sides of the problem. So we decided to ask the question again. And again, you made your voices heard! Here are some of the answers.

    Reading should be made mandatory during vacations because your reading skills would improve. You would learn a lot of vocabulary (词汇) words. You should give exercise to your brain so that it can stay active all through the year. —— Krish Vijaykarthik, 9

    Kids can explore new kinds of books during the vacations. They may discover a book genre (类型) that they really like. Then, when they go back to school, they may want to choose one of those books for a project or report. —— Karolina DeLuca, 11

    Students need to have the time to connect with friends and family during the vacations. They should have the choice whether or not to read. We all know that kids don’t want to do things if they are told they have to do them. —— Alison Lee, 10

    Some kids don’t have a lot of time to read at school because of homework and other activities. Reading during vacations will give these students more time to read, and it will improve their minds. —— Jake Pyo, 9

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.When was the same question asked for the first time?

A In 2024.

B In 2023.

C In 2022.

D In 2021.

解析:选D。数字计算题。根据第一段中的“It’s 2024 now. Three years ago, we asked some kids readers if they thought reading during vacations should be mandatory.”可知,三年前(2024-3=2021年),我们采访了一些儿童关于他们是否认为假期阅读应该是强制性的,三年后,同样的问题又被提出了。故选D。

2.According to Krish Vijaykarthik, making reading during vacations mandatory would _________.

A increase the amount of homework

B allow more time for social activities

C help kids exercise their brains

D make school projects easier

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“You should give exercise to your brain so that it can stay active all through the year.”可知,Krish Vijaykarthik认为假期阅读应该是强制性的,因为可以锻炼你的大脑。故选C。

3.Why does Karolina DeLuca support the idea of reading during vacations?

A Students will have more time for homework.

B It allows kids to explore new types of books.

C They can get higher test scores in the following year.

D It forces kids to stay indoors during the vacations.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Kids can explore new kinds of books during the vacations.”可知,Karolina DeLuca认为孩子们可以在假期探索新的书籍,他们可能会发现一个他们真正喜欢的系列或类型的书。故选B。

4.What is Alison Lee’s opinion on reading during vacations?

A Students should have the choice to read or not.

B It should be mandatory for all students.

C It is the best way to improve reading skills.

D It is the only way to stay connected with friends.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的“They should have the choice whether or not to read.”可知,Alison Lee认为孩子自己应该有权选择是否阅读。故选A。

5.What is the main topic of the article?

A The importance of reading during vacations.

B The opinions on whether reading during vacations should be mandatory.

C Different types of books kids like to read during vacations.

D How to improve reading skills during the school year.
