
The Language Exchange Programme allows students in pairs to communicate in two different languages they wish to share and learn each week. Students record short entries after each partner meeting noting the language skills practised and the topics discussed. Each pair of students meets three times throughout the term with a teacher who decides if the exchange is effective. Students who successfully complete the programme will receive one credit each.

Requirements for completion:

•One welcoming session on the second Friday of the term

•18 weekly one-hour pair meetings

•Weekly progress reports for all pair meetings

•At least three pair-teacher meetings

•One five-minute final video

Sign up!

The sign-up and registration process is as follows:

•Students sign up and indicate the languages they can share and languages they are interested in learning.

•Based on the information entered by each student, potential pairs are identified.

•Proficiency (熟练) levels are confirmed through coursework or placement tests.

•Once a pair has been determined to be suitable, the students will be contacted individually with a special permission number to register for the programme.


Signing up for the programme does not automatically mean that you will be able to register and participate. Pairs are matched by languages of interest and proficiency levels. Since there are many factors involved in the pairing process, not all students who sign up will be matched with a partner and be able to register for the programme.

1.In the programme, students will _________.

A chair daily meetings

B evaluate the exchange

C meet teachers each week

D practise their language skills

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段第一和第二句“The Language Exchange Programme allows students in pairs to communicate in two different languages they wish to share and learn each week. Students record short entries after each partner meeting noting the language skills practised and the topics discussed.”可知,在该课程中,学生将练习他们的语言技能。选D。

2.To complete the programme, students are required to _________.

A development tests

B participate in pair meetings

C welcome new students

D work on weekly videos

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据Requirements for completion:部分第二段的“•18 weekly one-hour pair meetings”(可知,为了完成该课程,学生需要参加合作伙伴会议。故选B。

3.What do students need to do during the registration?

A Indicate their languages of interest.

B Select their own coursework

C Make individual contact.

D Choose their partners.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Pairs are matched by languages of interest and proficiency levels. Since there are many factors involved in the pairing process, not all students who sign up will be matched with a partner and be able to register for the programme.”可知,学生在注册期间需要做的是表明自己感兴趣的语言。故选A。