
Last summer,Kelly went to a fishing village for vacation with her parents. As soon as she arrived, she ran to the beach with her watercolors,brushes and paper.

Fishermen were busy fishing. Seabirds were flying around. Just then a red-haired girl passed by. “Hello there!” said Kelly.

“Hello,” said the girl, but she didn’t stop. In fact, she seemed to walk faster. Kelly was unhappy. She thought it would be boring if she couldn’t make any friends in the village.

After a while, Kelly climbed up on the rocks and began to paint. She was painting a blue band (条纹) when she heard someone climbing up the rock behind her. She knew her parents were on the beach below. Who could this be? She turned her head to look. It was the red-haired girl!

“Can I watch you painting?” asked the girl.

Kelly was so surprised that she could hardly answer. But she said, “Of course! I’m not much of a painter, though.” The girl, Marie, then sat down beside Kelly.

“I just couldn’t keep away when I saw you painting!” she said. “I guess you painted the blue band for the sea. Maybe you could mix a lovely blue with green.”

Kelly gave it a try and said, “You are so great!”

“Are you going to stay long?” asked Marie.

“Well, I think so,” answered Kelly. “We like it here and I think I’ve got a new friend now.”

The two girls looked at each other. Smiles shone on their faces.

1.Kelly came to the fishing village to ________.

A take a walk

B visit a friend

C meet a painter

D spend a holiday

解析:选D。D句意理解题。在文章的第一句话中明确提到:“Last summer,Kelly went to a fishing village for vacation with her parents.”,意思是Kelly去年夏天和她的父母去一个渔村度假。因此,Kelly来到渔村是为了度假,答案为D。

2.How did Kelly feel when the red-haired girl walked away?

A Excited.

B Calm.

C Moved.

D Sad.


3.Both Kelly and Marie liked ________.

A painting

B travelling

C running

D fishing


4.What is the text mainly about?

A The project on beach protection.

B The story about a fishing village.

C The friendship between two girls.

D The experience of watching seabirds.
