
Once upon a time in a small village, there was a little boy named Tommy. Tommy loved all   1  . especially a tiny bird named Chirpy. Chirpy had beautiful feather(羽毛), and the sweetest song you ever   2  .

One day. Chirpy was caught by a bush (灌木).   3   she waved her wings hard, she couldn’t escape. She could only   4   for help. Luckily, Tommy heard her cry and came running to help her. He   5   moved her tiny feet from the bush and held her gently. Chirpy felt safe with Tommy and   6   back to her tree happily, singing a thankful song.

Their friendship didn’t stop here. From that day on, Chirp y often stayed at Tommy’s window and sang for him. Tommy and Chirp y   7  up together, playing and laughing. As Tommy became a young man, he often shared his   8   with Chirpy. He wished to protect animals and their homes all his life. Actually, he was doing it all the time.

The villagers were moved by Tommy’s love for animals. They decided to plant more trees and stop hunting. Finally, their village became a happy   9  for both humans and animals.

The   10   story shows us that love and care can build a bridge between humans and animals. We can create a world where everyone can live as good neighbors


A animals

B villagers

C neighbors

D plants

解析:选A。句意:汤米喜欢所有的动物,尤其是一只名叫唧唧的小鸟。 animals动物;villagers村民;neighbors邻居;plants 植物。根据“Tommy loved all..., especially a tiny bird named Chirpy”可知,汤米喜欢所有的动物,故选A。


A wrote

B ordered

C sang

D heard

解析:选D。句意:唧唧有美丽的羽毛,唱着你从未听过的最甜美的歌。 wrote写;ordered 命令;sang唱歌;heard听见。根据“Chirpy had beautiful feather (羽毛), and the sweetest song you ever...”可知,唧唧唱着你从未听过的最甜美的歌,故选 D。


A If

B Because

C Although

D Until

解析:选C。句意:尽管她使劲地挥动着翅膀,她还是逃不掉。 If如果;Because因为;Although虽然;Until直到。根据“...she waved her wings hard, she couldn't escape.”可知,前后两句构成让步关系,用Although引导让步状语从句,故选C。


A cry

B sit

C stand

D go

解析:选A。句意:她只能大声呼救。 cry 哭;sit 坐;stand站立;go去。根据“Tommy heard her cry”可知,唧唧大声呼救,故选A。


A highly

B carefully

C strongly

D closely

解析:选B。句意:他小心翼翼地把她的小脚从灌木丛中移开,轻轻地抱着她。 highly 高度地;carefully仔细地;strongly 强烈地;closely亲密地。根据“He...moved her tiny feet from the bush and held her gently.”可知,此处应与gently语意相近,所以汤米小心翼翼地,故选B。


A ran

B jumped

C flew

D walked

解析:选C。句意:唧唧觉得和汤米在一起很安全,高兴地飞回了她的树,唱着一首感谢的歌。 ran 跑; jumped 跳;flew飞;walked走路。根据“Chirpy felt safe with Tommy and...back to her tree happily”可知,唧唧飞回了她的树,故选C。


A grew

B came

C broke

D got

解析:选A。句意:汤米和唧唧一起长大,一起玩,一起笑。 grew 成长;came 来;broke打破;got得到。根据后句“As Tommy became a young man”可知,他们一起长大,故选 A。


A toys

B regrets

C songs

D dreams

解析:选D。句意:当汤米长大后,他经常和唧唧分享他的梦想。 toys 玩具;regrets遗憾;songs 歌曲; dreams梦想。根据“He wished to protect animals and their homes all his life."可知,这是汤米的梦想,故选D。


A house

B home

C zoo

D school

解析:选B。句意:最后,他们的村庄成为人类和动物的幸福家园。 house房子;home家园;zoo动物园;school学校,根据“their village became a happy...for both humans and animals”可知,他们的村庄成为人类和动物的幸福家园,故选B。


A boring

B relaxing

C touching

D Disappointing

解析:选C。句意:这个感人的故事告诉我们,爱和关怀可以在人类和动物之间架起一座桥梁。 boring 无聊的:relaxing令人放松的:touching感人的:disappointing令人失望的。根据“The...story shows us that love and care can build a bridge between humans and animals.”可知,这是一个感人的故事,故选C。