In China, more and more young people are becoming interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) . One thousand young people took part in a survey by China Youth Daily. The survey ___1___ that more than 90% of them had tried different TCM treatments. Between Western Medicine and TCM, young people often choose TCM ___2___ it can be a more accurate treatment (精准的治疗) for different patients. 
Today TCM is getting popular with young foreigners. And it also brings good to more people. Alex, a young Frenchman, is one of them. He is a big ___3___ of TCM. He came to China to learn TCM in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2022. Studying TCM ___4___ Alex’s mind and lifestyle. He realizes keeping the balance of yin and yang is ___5___ and that everyone should follow the rules of nature. He used to be interested in electronic products and ___6___ late every night. But now, he lives a balanced and ___7___ life, practicing good living habits. He loves reading ___8___ about ancient Chinese culture and playing Taiji. When he plays Taiji, he can feel more relaxed and breathe better. Besides, he ___9___ drinking icy water after doing sports. For him, learning the knowledge and skills of TCM is not about becoming a ___10___ but rather about having a new lifestyle. 
Alex also uses his knowledge to help his ___11___. For example, he often provides his family members with some advice about staying ___12___ after he checks their faces or tongues online. Over time, his family ___13___ understand his dream about TCM. 
He said, “The more I study TCM, the better I understand ___14___ TCM is a treasure of Chinese culture.” He plans to run a traditional Chinese clinic (诊所) in France after ___15___. He will serve as a bridge between the two countries and spread TCM and Chinese culture.


A advised

B showed

C answered

D agreed

解析:选B。句意:调查显示,超过90%的人尝试过不同的中医疗法。 advised 建议;showed展示;answered回答;agreed 同意。根据“The survey...that more than 90% of them had tried different TCMtreatments. Between Western Medicine and TCM”可知,是调查显示的结果,故选B。


A or

B but

C although

D because

解析:选D。句意:在西医和中医之间,年轻人往往选择中医,因为它可以更准确地治疗不同的病人。 or 或者;but 但是;although虽然;because因为。“it can be a more accurate treatment (精准的治疗) for different patients”是“young people often choose TCM”的原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故选D。


A fan

B man

C boy

D boss

解析:选A。句意:他是中医的忠实粉丝。 fan 粉丝;man 人;boy男孩;boss老板。根据“He came to China to learn TCM in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2022.”可知,他于2022年来到中国,在北京中医药大学学习中医,所以是中医的粉丝,故选A。


A broke

B started

C helped

D changed

解析:选D。句意:学习中医改变了亚历克斯的思想和生活方式。 broke 打破;started开始;helped帮助;changed改变。根据“StudyingTCM...Alex's mind and lifestyle.”可知,学习中医改变了亚历克斯的思想和生活方式。故选D。


A impossible

B important

C interesting

D exciting

解析:选B。句意:他意识到保持阴阳平衡很重要,每个人都应该遵循自然规律。 impossible 不可能的;important重要的;interesting有趣的;exciting令人激动的。根据“He realizes keeping the balance of yin and yang is...”可知,保持阴阳平衡很重要,故选B。


A get up

B wake up

C stay up

D clean up

解析:选C。句意:他过去对电子产品很感兴趣,每天都很晚睡。 get up起床;wake up醒来;stay up熬夜;clean up 打扫。根据“... late every night”可知,熬夜睡很晚,故选 C。


A colorful

B harmful

C careful

D peaceful

解析:选D。句意:但现在,他过着平衡而平静的生活,养成了良好的生活习惯。 colorful 多彩的; harmful有害的;careful 仔细的;peaceful平静的。根据“But now, he lives a balanced and...life” 可知,但是现在的生活平衡而平静,故选D。


A something

B everything

C anything

D nothing

解析:选A。句意:他喜欢阅读有关中国古代文化的书籍,也喜欢打太极。 something某事;everything每件事;anything任何事;nothing无事。根据“He loves reading...about ancient Chinese culture and playing Taiji.”可知,他喜欢阅读有关中国古代文化的书籍,本句是肯定句,故选A。


A likes

B keeps

C avoids

D suggests

解析:选C。句意:此外,他避免在运动后喝冰水。 likes 喜欢;keeps保持;avoids避免;suggests建议。根据“he...drinking icy water after doing sports”可知,避免在运动后喝冰水,故选C。


A doctor

B teacher

C cook

D worker

解析:选A。句意:对他来说,学习中医知识和技能不是为了成为一名医生,而是为了拥有一种新的生活方式。 doctor 医生; teacher教师;cook厨师;worker工人。根据“learning the knowledge and skills of TCM is not about becoming a...but rather about having a new lifestyle”可知,学习中医知识和技能不是为了成为一名医生,故选 A。


A friends

B class

C family

D partners

解析:选C。句意:亚历克斯也用他的知识来帮助他的家人。 friends 朋友; class 班级;family家庭;partners父母。根据“For example, he often provides his family members...”可知,是帮助家人,故选C。


A calm

B healthy

C happy

D active

解析:选B。句意:例如,他经常在网上检查家人的脸或舌头后,为他们提供一些保持健康的建议。 calm 平静的;healthy健康的;happy开心的;active积极的。根据“he often provides his family members with some advice about staying...”可知,为家人提供保持健康的建议,故选 B。


A finally

B quickly

C simply

D hardly

解析:选A。句意:随着时间的推移,他的家人终于理解了他对中医的梦想。 finally 最终;quickly 迅速地;simply仅仅;hardly几乎不。根据“his family...understand his dream about TCM”可知,他的家人终于理解了他对中医的梦想,故选A。


A what

B why

C where

D which

解析:选B。句意:我越研究中医,就越明白为什么中医是中国文化的瑰宝。 what 什么;why为什么;where在哪里;which哪一个。根据“The more I study TCM, the better I understand...TCM is a treasure of Chinese culture.”可知,我越研究中医,就越明白为什么中医是中国文化的瑰宝。故选B。


A school

B work

C graduation

D vacation

解析:选C。句意:他计划毕业后在法国开一家中医诊所。 school 学校;work 工作;graduation毕业;vacation 假期。根据“He plans to run a traditional Chinese clinic (诊所)in France after...”可知,他想毕业后开一家中医诊所,故选C。