
Yushu, Qinghai is one of the habitats for black-necked cranes (黑颈鹤). Cranes have very long necks and their necks are black. That’s why they are called black-necked cranes. Cranes travel very far every year. Cranes spend about 5 months in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Starting in March, black-necked cranes will fly back to Qinghai. There are lakes and marshes (沼泽), perfect for them to live in. Year after year, black-necked cranes may fly to other places, but they always come back to the plateau areas.

Their life is harsh, because they have no enough food and the weather changes very often. Black-necked cranes have a very small population. They are under first-class state protection in China. Local people treat the birds with love. In local tradition, they are a symbol of good luck, so they are very popular.

It is not hard to get along with the wild animals. Just give them a little more space. They can have a bigger chance to thrive (兴旺). People in Qinghai are working very hard to make sure the black-necked cranes live better.

1.1. How long do the cranes spend in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

A About 3 months.

B About 4 months.

C About 5 months.

D About 6 months.

解析:选C。细节理解题C。根据“Cranes spend about 5 months in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.”可知,鹤在青藏高原的生活时间约为5个月。故选C。

2.2. ________ are the perfect places for black-necked cranes to live in.

A Lakes and marshes

B Rivers

C Mountains

D Trees

解析:选A。细节理解题A。根据“There are lakes and marshes (沼泽), perfect for them to live in.”可知,湖泊和沼泽非常适合它们居住。故选A。

3.3. Why do local people love the birds?

A Because they can fly in the sky.

B Because they are black.

C Because they look beautiful.

D Because they are a symbol of good luck.

解析:选D。细节理解题D。根据“Local people treat the birds with love. In local tradition, they are a symbol of good luck, so they are very popular.”可知,在当地的传统中,它们是好运的象征,所以它们很受欢迎。故选D。

4.4.In paragraph 3, what does the underlined word “harsh” mean?

A Hard.

B Easy.

C Interesting.

D Relaxing.

解析:选A。细节理解题A。根据“Their life is harsh, because they have no enough food and the weather changes very often.”可知,它们没有足够的食物,而且天气经常变化,所以它们的生活是很艰苦的,故选A。

5.5. According to the passage, what will happen to black-necked cranes in the future?

A Black-necked cranes will not come back.

B There will be more black-necked cranes in the future.

C The city will be a home for black-necked cranes.

D People will hurt black-necked cranes.

解析:选B。推理判断题B。根据“It is not hard to get along with the wild animals. Just give them a little more space. They can have a bigger chance to thrive (兴旺). People in Qinghai are working very hard to make sure the black-necked cranes live better.”可知,与野生动物相处并不难。给它们多一点空间。它们可以有更大的机会变得兴旺。青海人民正在努力工作,以确保黑颈鹤生活得更好。由此可知,在青海人民的努力下,将来会有更多的黑颈鹤。故选B。