
Rain or shine, Peter O’Neill always competes in the triathlon (铁人三项运动) of his town. The 72-year-old has competed in every triathlon in the event’s 40-year history. He was part of the group that came up with the idea in the 1980s.

“I used to jog around town,” Mr. O’Neill said. “I came into contact with an Olympian, David Power, and Dave had a hotel up here. A few of us got together and we discussed it and got it going in October, 1983.”

The then 31-year-old suggested one of the group should compete. “Everyone else could either ride a bike or run, but I was the only one who could swim,” he laughed. “But I was happy to give it a go.”

In the beginning, more than 220 athletes took part in the event, including 79 individual competitors and 48 teams. These days it’s a five-day festival—which includes 11 events in all—with more than 13,000 competitors.

Rebecca van Pooss, head of operations for the triathlon there, said the event Mr. O’Neill helped to start was now an international event. “It is the world’s largest Olympic-distance triathlon,” she said. “That’s something we’re very proud of.”

“Mr. O’ Neill’s efforts were inspiring. There are a couple of other athletes who have done 38, 39,” she said. “But Peter, he is the legend (传奇)—it’s pretty amazing to have someone who’s done all 40 of our races.”

Mr. O’Neill trains year-round for the event, and enjoys the social side just as much as the physical benefits. “I’ve made so many friends… friends that I ride with and friends I swim with—it’s been wonderful,” he said. “When you’re in your 70s like I am, you’re quite happy to just do it because you know it beats the alternative (替代品), which is sitting around doing nothing.”

1.What do the underlined words “give it a go” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A Try doing it.

B Cooperate with others.

C Organize the game.

D Go to a friend’s home.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。在第三段中,Peter O'Neill说他是唯一一个会游泳的人,但他很高兴去尝试(give it a go)。根据上下文可以推断,这里的“give it a go”指的是尝试去做某事,即尝试参加铁人三项比赛。因此,正确答案是A,即“尝试去做”。

2.What can we infer from Rebecca’s words?

A The athletes are mostly in their 30s.

B There are more than 40 events that they can choose.

C The triathlon will be an international event in the future.

D It’s very hard to keep on training and competing for the event.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。Rebecca提到Peter O'Neill是传奇,因为他在40年的铁人三项比赛中都参加了。这表明持续训练和参加比赛是非常艰难的,因此我们可以从Rebecca的话中推断出这一点。选项A、B、C都与Rebecca的话无关,因此可以排除。

3.What can we know from Mr. O’Neill’s story?

A He is too old to be an athlete.

B He beats “doing nothing”, and becomes a legend.

C He helps many people in his hometown to find jobs.

D He has won many gold medals at the Olympic Games.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。在文章中提到,Peter O'Neill每年都为这个比赛训练,而且他很享受这种社交方面的乐趣,因为他知道这比什么都不做强。因此,我们可以从Peter O'Neill的故事中得知,他通过努力训练,避免了无所事事,最终成为了一个传奇。所以答案是B。

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A Fashion and Style.

B School and Education.

C Science and Technology.

D Sports and Fitness.

解析:选D。D主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了Peter O’Neill参加铁人三项运动并坚持训练的故事,涉及到了体育和健身方面的内容,因此这篇文章可能会出现在报纸的“Sports and Fitness”(体育与健身)版面。