
What can we do with a piece of paper? One answer is Chinese paper-cutting. To create beautiful works of paper-cutting, all we need is: a pair of scissors, a piece of paper and a pair of skillful hands. 

The art of paper-cutting began after the invention of paper around 2,000 years ago. A young man wrote down the character “Fu”, and his wife tore it out, which became the predecessor (前身) of paper-cutting. In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, paper-cutting started. Since then, it has been used for centuries to decorate windows in China during the Spring Festival. 
There have been many different styles of paper-cutting since ancient China. People use scissors to cut paper into various shapes. The earliest known type of paper-cutting is Tuanhua from the 1st century. Later, there were symmetrical (对称的) horses and monkeys. As skills got better, paper-cuts became more colorful and had more changed designs like famous people from stories and history, animals, and landscapes. 
Paper-cuts carry people’s interests and vision of life. Each paper-cut has special meaning. It is closely related to China’s old culture and religious beliefs (宗教信仰). It includes asking for good luck, wishing for good things, and trying to stay away from bad luck. Paper-cutting has great cultural importance and shows traditional Chinese ways of thinking.   
Pick up your paper and scissors, and create your own paper-cut!
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1.How does the writer start the passage?

A By introducing the causes.

B By telling a story.

C By listing some numbers.

D By asking a question.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“What can we do with a piece of paper?”可知,作者通过提问开启全文。故选D。

2.In which month may the paper-cutting be mostly used?

A In February.

B In May.

C In August.

D In December.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Since then, it has been used for centuries to decorate windows in China during the Spring Festival.”可知,剪纸多用于春节期间装饰窗户,春节多在阳历的2月。故选A。

3.What’s the right order of the following paper-cuts in which they appear? ①Symmetrical monkeys. ②The character “Fu”. ③Wu Kong.

A ①②③

B ①③②

C ②①③

D ②③①

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“around 2,000 years ago. A young man wrote down the character ‘Fu’...”以及第三段中的“Later, there were symmetrical horses and monkeys.”“As skills got better ... famous people from stories and history...”并结合选项可知,最先出现的是“福”字,之后是对称的马和猴,再之后是著名人物。故选C。

4.Paper-cuts ______.

A are a mirror of real life

B show people’s wishes

C go against traditional values

D have a few special meanings

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,剪纸承载了人们的希望、兴趣、对生活的向往以及传统的价值观,有特定的含义,并不是现实生活的写照。故选B。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a religion newspaper.

B On a history website.

C In a culture magazine.

D In a science survey.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了剪纸这一中国民间艺术,属于中国传统文化,故本文最有可能出现在某本文化杂志上。故选C。