
In a peaceful mountain village, a father named Edward and his beloved son Bob lived in a small farmhouse.

Edward was a hard-working ____1___  who worked on his land every day. Bob was a lively and innocent (纯真的) boy, and he always followed his father around. The son could often learn something ____2____ about life from his father.

One sunny morning, Edward took Bob to the yard. He ____3___ to several huge stones lying on the ground, and said with a smile, “Son, ____4____ these stones, they are in the way now. What can we do?”

“Can we move them ____5____?” Bob thought for a while and asked.

“Good idea! Maybe you can do it!” nodded the father.

Bob’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he rushed over to ____6___ pushing one of the large stones. However, no matter how hard he tried, the stone ____7____ there.

Bob, feeling a little sad, said, “Dad, I tried to move it just now, but it didn’t move ____8___. I have tried my best. I have given it my all. I’ve used up all my ____9___.” Edward smiled softly and replied, “No, son, you haven’t used up all your strength. You haven’t ____10____ for help.”

With these words, Edward bent down, lifted a heavy stone and began moving ____111___. He tried hard and finally moved it to one side of the road. Bob ____12____ his father in amazement when his father proved his words with his action.

____13____ Edward moved the stone, he turned to Bob and said, “Facing challenges with a determined (坚毅的) spirit is important. ____14____, your own strength is limited. When a task is beyond your ability, you can choose to ____15____ strength from those around you.”

From then on, he learned to ask for help and cooperate (合作) with others, understanding the importance of teamwork.


A worker

B doctor

C farmer

D teacher

解析:选C。C。句意:爱德华是一个勤劳的农民,每天都在他的地里干活。 worker员工:doctor医生:farmer 农民:teacher 老师。根据"who worked on his land every day"可知,爱德华每天都在他的地里干活,由此推知,他是一个农民,故选C。


A useful

B useless

C harmful

D harmless

解析:选A。A。句意:儿子经常能从父亲那里学到一些关于生活的有用的东西, useful 有用的; useless 无用的:harmful 有害的: harmless无害的。根据下文"From then on, he learned to ask for help and cooperate ( 合作) with others, understanding the importance of teamwork.”可知,儿子从父亲那里学到了要寻求帮助和与他人合作以及团队合作的重要性,这些都是很有用的东西。故选A。


A replied

B pointed

C added

D posted

解析:选B。B。句意他指着地上的几块巨石,笑着说道。 replied 回答: pointed i added 增加:posted 邮寄。结合选项和“He...to several huge stones lying on the ground"可知,此处表示他指着地上的几块巨石。故选B。


A look after

B look for

C look at

D look through

解析:选C。C。句意:儿子,看看这些石头,它们现在挡住了路。look after 照顾: look for 寻找:look at 看: look through浏览。结合选项和空后的these stones可知,此处表示看看这些石头。故选C


A down

B on

C away

D up

解析:选C。C。句意:我们能把它们搬走吗?down向下:on在……上面:away离开:up向上。根据上文they are in the way now”可知,石头挡住了路,所以鲍勃想把它们搬走,move away意为“搬走”。故选C


A avoid

B finish

C suggest

D try

解析:选D。D。句意:鲍勃兴奋得两眼放光,他冲过去试着推其中一块大石头。 avoid 避免:finish 完成:suggest建议:try尝试。结合选项和*...pushing one of the large stones"可知,此处表示鲍勃尝试着推其中一块大石头。trydoing sth,意为“尝试做某事”。故选D。


A jumped

B remained

C disappeared

D changed

解析:选B。B。句意:然而,无论他如何努力,石头仍然在那里。 jumped 跳;remained 继续存在;disappeared 消失;changed 改变。根据下文it didn't move”可知,鲍勃无法搬动石头,石头继续存在于原地。故选B。


A in all

B above all

C at all

D after all

解析:选C。C。句意:爸爸,我刚才试着移动它,但是它一点也不动, in all 总共; above all 首先; at all 完全; after all毕竟。结合选项和“it didn't move"可知,本题考查短语not..t all“一点也不”。故选C。


A money

B strength

C time

D advice

解析:选B。B。句意。我用尽了我所有的力气。money 钱: strength 力气:time时间:advice建议。根据上文"I have tried my best. I have given it my all."可知,鲍勃尽了全力来搬石头,他用尽了所有的力气。故选B。


A asked

B made

C prepared

D paid

解析:选A。A。句意:你没有寻求帮助。asked要求:made 制作: prepared 准备:paid支付。结合选项和空后的for help可知,本题考查短语ask for help"寻求帮助”。故选A。


A them

B it

C him

D us

解析:选B。B。句意:说完这些话,爱德华弯下腰,举起一块沉重的石头,开始搬动它。 them它们:it它: him 他:us 我们。根据lifted a heavy stone”可知,空格处应选it,用于指代a heavy stone,故选B。


A watched

B shared

C decided

D missed

解析:选A。A。句意:当父亲用行动证明他的话时,鲍勃惊讶地看着父亲。watched 看:shared 分享:decided 决定:missed错过。结合选项和“Bob..his father in amazement”可知,此处表示鲍勃惊讶地看着父亲。故选A。


A Unless

B Before

C After

D If

解析:选C。C。句意:爱德华搬开石头后,转向鲍勃说。Unless 除非:Before 在……之前;After 在……之后:If如果。根据上文"He tried hard and finally moved it to one side of the road."可知,爱德华把石头搬到了路边,在他搬开石头后,他转向鲍勃,和鲍勃说话。故选C。


A Then

B However

C Otherwise

D Almost

解析:选B。B。句意:然而,你自己的力量是有限的。Then 然后;However然而:Otherwise否则;Almost差不多。分析"Facing challenges with a determined (坚毅的)spirit is important...your own strength is limited.”可知,前后句是转折关系,结合选项,空格处应选However表示转折。故选B.


A buy

B stop

C carry

D borrow

解析:选D。D。句意;当一项任务超出你的能力时,你可以选择向周围的人借用力量。buy买: stop 停止:carry携带:borrow借。结合选项和“..strength from those around you”可知,此处表示从周围的人那里借用力量,短语borrow sth. from sb.意为“从某人那里借某物”,故选D.