
    Where do I start? How can I quickly return to my study? What steps should I take? How do I deal with the new challenge? These are questions in most students’ minds after a long break from their studies. There are some ways to help you return to your study habits and pick up where you left off.


    Taking some time to reflect (反思) on the past year can be a great way. Consider what you’ve learned and got in your life. What’s more, take time out from studying to think about how you can improve your life in general: do more activities with friends or roommates; try new hobbies; find ways to spend less money on eating out at restaurants; etc.

    Plan your study time and stick to it

    Planning is important. If we want our studies to go well, then it is important that we plan them well before starting them or even after finishing them. If a student has planned his or her study time well, he/she can focus on (聚焦) what he/she needs.

    Find a way to track (跟踪) your progress

    There are several ways to make sure that you keep track of your progress. Use a calendar if you have one in your room. If not, then find one online or at school. This way, there will always be some sort of reminder nearby reminding people when things need doing next time around.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.How does the writer start the passage?

A By giving some facts.

B By asking some questions.

C By telling his/her experience.

D By showing some opinions.


2.Which sentence can be put back into the blank “ ▲ ”?

A Ask for help when you need it.

B Create a strong wish to learn.

C Spend all of your free time studying.

D Take time to think about the past year.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据该段中心句“Taking some time to reflect on the past year can be a great way.”可知,该段主要讲了花时间反思过去的一年,是重新回到学习状态的好方法。故选D。

3.Why is planning important for a student’s study?

A It helps them to remember to eat out less.

B It allows them to focus on what they need.

C It makes sure they have a calendar.

D It makes them spend more time with friends.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“If a student has planned his or her study time well, he/she can focus on what he/she needs.”可知,如果学生计划好了自己的学习时间,他/她就可以在每节课上专注于自己需要的东西。故选B。

4.According to the text, students can track their progress with the help of ___________.

A a calendar

B friends

C teachers

D their memory

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Use a calendar if you have one in your room.”可知,有方法可以确保你跟踪你的进度,如果你的房间里有日历,可以使用日历。故选A。

5.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A To provide ways to start a new hobby.

B To help students return to study habits after a break.

C To discuss the importance of learning.

D To explain why students need to improve social skills.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。本文作者介绍了几种方法帮助孩子们快速返回到学习状态。故选B。