
    Teachers’ Day is a day to recognize and thank teachers for their hard work throughout the year. In China, this holiday falls on September 10th each year and involves celebrating the contributions made by teachers by giving them gifts and conducting ceremonies to honor them.

Teachers’ Day in ancient China

    China’s Teachers’ Day, while not officially recognized until the end of the twentieth century, has a long and fascinating history. The earliest celebration that resembles the modern holiday first took place, though not formally, over 2,000 years ago during the Han dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE). At that time, Teachers’ Day festivities were generally held on the 27th day of the eighth lunar month, a date widely believed to be the birthday of China’s most influential educator and philosopher, Confucius. 

    Emperors and officials celebrated the holiday by visiting regional Confucian temples, known as 孔庙 (kǒngmiào), thousands of which are open to visitors across China today. From the Tang dynasty (618-907 CE) to the Qing dynasty (1644-1912 CE), a formal Confucius Memorial Ceremony was held in provincial capitals around the country to mark the holiday, during which selected teachers were given a large bonus by the central government.

Celebrating Teachers’ Day today

    Because teaching is generally regarded as an honorable profession in China today, it should come as no surprise that Teachers’ Day remains an important holiday. Although Teachers’ Day is not a public holiday in China, it is still observed in various ways. On September 10th, many teachers enjoy bonuses from school administrations or even a few hours off work. It is also common for students and families to gift teachers with cards and presents. Former students will also traditionally return to their former school and give presents to their favorite former teachers in order to mark the holiday.

    Teachers’ Day is one important way to show that educators in the country are celebrated and respected. Remember, no matter where you are this Teachers’ Day, be sure to give thanks to the educators in your life for all that they do. 

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1.What is the primary reason for celebrating Teachers’ Day today?

A To give teachers a day off work.

B To recognize and thank teachers for their contributions.

C To hold Confucius Memorial Ceremonies.

D To formally select teachers for bonuses.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Teachers’ Day is a day to recognize and thank teachers for their hard work throughout the year.”可知,教师节是表彰和感谢教师一年来的辛勤工作的日子。故选B。

2.As for Teachers’ Day in ancient China, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A It was officially recognized as a holiday during the Han dynasty.

B The Confucius Memorial Ceremony was held only in Beijing.

C During the Han dynasty, celebrations were held on the birthday of Confucius.

D There were no celebrations similar to the modern Teachers’ Day.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“At that time, Teachers’ Day festivities were generally held on the 27th day of the eighth lunar month, a date widely believed to be the birthday of China’s most influential educator and philosopher, Confucius.”可知,与现代教师节相似的庆祝活动最早出现在2000多年前的汉朝,尽管那时不像今天这样正式。当时,教师节庆祝活动通常在农历八月二十七举行,这一天通常被认为是中国最有影响力的教育家和哲学家——孔子的生日。文中明确提到教师节直到20世纪末才被正式认可,选项A错误;仪式不仅仅在北京举行,选项B错误;文中提到早在汉朝时期就有类似现代教师节的庆祝活动,选项D错误。故选C。

3.Which is NOT a common way to celebrate Teachers’ Day in modern China?

A Students and families give teachers cards and presents.

B Teachers get bonuses from school administrations.

C All schools are closed for the day as a national holiday.

D Former students return to their former schools to give presents.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Although Teachers’ Day is not a public holiday in China”可知,教师节在中国不是国家法定节假日,但学校和有孩子的家庭会通过各种方式庆祝教师节。故选C。

4.How does the writer organize the text?

A By analysing cause and effect.

B By describing the similarities.

C By listing some examples.

D By making comparison and contrast.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文通过对比探讨教师节的演变之路,从古代到现代,让读者了解它是如何逐步成为我们今天所熟知的节日的。故选D。