
The Turtle was not satisfied with his life. He wanted so much to ____1____ being a turtle.

“I’m tired of swimming about in the sea and moving around on the beach. Life is not ____2____” he thought. “I want to be able to fly in the air like an eagle.”

He spoke to the Eagle about it.

“You’re not built for ____3____,” the Eagle told the Turtle. “You don’t have any wings.”

“Don’t ____4____ that,” answered the Turtle. “I’ve watched how the birds do it for a long time. I’ve watched ____5____ how they fly and do things in the air. I think I really got it. ____6____ I don’t have wings, I can make my four flippers (鳍足) act like wings of birds in the air, the way I do in the water. Just get me up there, and you’ll see I can fly as well as any of the birds—probably even ____7____! Besides, if you carry me as high as the clouds, I will bring you lots of nice pearls (珍珠) from the sea to show my thanks.”

The Eagle ____8____ at last, and carried the Turtle up high into the sky.

“Now then!” cried the Eagle. “Fly!”

But the moment the Turtle was on his own, he fell from the ____9____. He fell like a stone, and on a stone he landed. He hit it with such force that he broke into little pieces.

We need to ____10____ ourselves better so that we can make wiser decisions.


A continue

B stop

C try

D enjoy

解析:选B。B细节理解题。A.continue表示继续,但文中乌龟并不希望继续作为乌龟的生活,而是想要改变。B.stop 表示停止,与文中的“want to”搭配表示想要停止作为乌龟,符合语境。C.try 尝试,D.enjoy 享受,都不符合乌龟想要改变现状的意愿。因此,答案是 B.stop。


A interesting

B healthy

C busy

D hard

解析:选A。A推理判断题。文中乌龟说“Life is not ____”,表示生活并不如何,而后面它提到了想要飞翔,说明它对现有的生活感到不满,不认为生活是有趣的。B.healthy 健康的,C.busy 忙碌的,D.hard 困难的,都与文意不符。因此,答案是 A.interesting(虽然此处用作反义,即不有趣)。


A swimming

B running

C flying

D climbing

解析:选C。C.推理判断题 。鹰告诉乌龟:“You’re not built for ____”,结合后文“You don’t have any wings.”,可以推断出这里是指飞行。A.swimming 游泳,B. running 跑步,D.climbing 爬山,都与鹰的回复不符。因此,答案是 C. flying。


A look after

B hear about

C prepare for

D worry about

解析:选D。D推理判断题。乌龟回答鹰说:“Don’t ____ that”,并继续解释了它的想法,说明它不想让鹰担心。A.look after 照顾,B.hear about 听说,C. prepare for 准备,都不符合语境。D.worry about 担心,是正确答案。

5. 5.

A quickly

B carefully

C strangely

D helplessly

解析:选B。B.推理判断题。乌龟说它“watched ____ how they fly and do things in the air”表示它观察得很仔细。A.quickly快速地,C.strangely奇怪地,D.helplessly无助地,都不符合文意。B.carefully仔细地,是正确答案。


A Though

B Before

C Unless

D Until

解析:选A。A句意理解题。乌龟说:“____ I don’t have wings, I can make my four flippers act like wings of birds in the air.”,这里表示转折关系,即尽管没有翅膀,但它可以尝试用鳍足来飞翔。A.Though 尽管,符合语境。B.Before 在……之前,C.Unless除非,D.Until直到,都不符合文意。


A better

B lower

C nearer

D earlier

解析:选A。A推理判断题。乌龟说:“I can fly as well as any of the birds—probably even ____!”,表示它认为自己可能飞得比其它鸟还要好。A.better更好,符合语境。B.lower更低,C.nearer更近,D.earlier更早,都与文意不符。


A refused

B agreed

C won

D left

解析:选B。B句意理解题。鹰最终“____ at last, and carried the Turtle up high into the sky.”,表示鹰同意了乌龟的请求。A.refused 拒绝,C.won赢得,D. left离开,都不符合文意。B.agreed同意,是正确答案。


A tree

B house

C sky

D mountain

解析:选C。C推理判断题。乌龟从高处掉下来,结合前文鹰把它带到了天空,可以推断出它是从天空中掉下来的。A.tree树,B.house 房子,D.mountain山,都不符合语境。C.sky天空,是正确答案。


A relax

B express

C teach

D understand

解析:选D。D推理判断题。最后一句说:“We need to ____ ourselves better so that we can make wiser decisions.”,表示我们需要更好地了解自己才能做出更明智的决定。A.relax放松,B.express表达,C.teach教,都不符合语境。D.understand了解,是正确答案。