
On Tuesdays and Fridays, Emma Grace waits anxiously for her best friend, Elbert Berry, to pull up to her house. “Oh she loves him. She loves him,” says Emma Grace’s mother Laura. “And he loves her, too.”

It all started with her fascination(着迷) of big trucks—but quickly became about the person inside. “The first day that he came through, he started waving to her,” Laura said. “And she really got excited because for the first time when the garbage truck came through, they saw her back.”

When school resumed(恢复) in-person learning, Emma Grace wanted to bring her new friend to school with her. She asked Berry if she could take a picture with him so she could take the photo with her every day. “The baby made me a birthday card, a handmade birthday card,” Elbert said. “It said, ‘I love you,’ and she stuck the picture inside.”

Touched beyond belief, Berry decided to return the favor. He made Emma Grace a necklace with the same picture. On the back it says, “You are the Best Part of my Day!” He carried it for weeks until she was home from school and he could surprise her with it.

“When he gave her the necklace, his face just lit up. He was so proud to give it to her and make her smile,” Johnson said. “And it made me think that he was the kind of person who should be celebrated, but probably more important than that, he is the kind of person we should all try to be more like.”


1.Who is Elbert Berry according to the passage?

A Laura’s friend.

B A social worker.

C Emma Grace’s teacher.

D A garbage removal worker.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段的And she really got excited because for the first time when the garbage truck came through, they saw her back. 得知,埃尔伯特·贝瑞驾驶着垃圾清运卡车,由此可知埃尔伯特·贝瑞是一位从事垃圾清运的工人,故选D。

2.What did Berry do when he met Emma Grace for the first time?

A He said hello to her.

B He gave her a present.

C He greeted her by waving his hand.

D He drove her around the community.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段The first day that he came through, he started waving to her可知,埃尔伯特·贝瑞来的第一天就开始向她挥手,故选C。

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A Berry exchanged his photo with Emma Grace.

B Emma Grace’s school was closed for some time.

C Berry invited Emma Grace to his birthday party.

D Emma Grace wanted to bring Berry to her school.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第三段When school resumed in-person learning, Emma Grace wanted to bring her new friend to school with her.可知,当学校恢复面授学习时,艾玛·格雷斯想带她的新朋友一起去学校。由此推断艾玛·格雷斯的学校之前关闭了一段时间。故选B。

4.The underlined word “favor” can be replaced by_____.

A kindness

B generosity

C friendship

D reward

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据上下文可知,艾玛·格雷斯为埃尔伯特·贝瑞制作了一张生日卡片,而埃尔伯特·贝瑞反过来给她制作了一条项链,由此推断埃尔伯特·贝瑞是回报她的“好意”,故选A。

5.What did Johnson think of Berry?

A He was proud.

B He was important.

C He should be praised.

D He liked himself.

解析:选C。C 观点态度题。根据Johnson定位答案出处到最后一段。Johnson认为他(Berry)应该被赞颂(celebrate),更重要的是,我们大家应该尽力向他学习。由此可知应该选C。